Esthetician Schools in Oklahoma
Since the number of Oklahoma esthetician careers is having a heyday, now may be the time to get going! Browse our directory of esthetician schools in Oklahoma, or skip ahead to learn about the state's esthetician licensing requirements and job outlook.
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For School Owners
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Academy of Cosmetology, Barbering, and Esthetics – Accredited
Oklahoma City, OK 73159
Artisan Institute of Barbering, Cosmetology & Esthetics – Accredited
Skiatook, OK 74070
Francis Tuttle Technology Center - Reno Campus – Accredited
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
The Hair Cafe Cosmetology and Barber College – Accredited
Oklahoma City, OK 73162
You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.
Esthetician Schools Near Me
Check out the Esthetics/Skin Care schools these cities in Oklahoma have to offer.
Cost of Esthetician School Across OK
Metro | Average Tuition |
Oklahoma City | $6,600 |
Tulsa | $6,363 |
Comparing Program Costs in OK
Cosmetology School Costs |
Highest range: $11,138 - $21,275 |
Lowest range: $1,000 - $11,138 |
Average: $9,711 |
Esthetics/Skin Care School Costs |
Highest range: $6,920 - $12,520 |
Lowest range: $1,320 - $6,920 |
Average: $6,127 |
How to Become a Esthetician in Oklahoma
- 600 education hours or 1,200 apprentice hours are required to become licensed.
- You must renew your license every year.
- 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
- The average for estheticians in Oklahoma is $27,950.
- There is a predicted 26% job increase between 2020 - 2030 for estheticians.
You must get a license to work as an esthetician in Oklahoma. But it takes more than a few classes or a test.
To receive your esthetician license, you must meet the following requirements:
The state may deny esthetician licenses to those with a history of criminal offenses. So, you should submit a written request to have your history not work against you.
You need to include a copy of your record, explaining or describing each conviction. This should include dates, courts involved, and sentences imposed.
Your request can also include other information you think would help your case. This could mean details about your life, rehabilitation, and goals. Personal references may also help.
Can I Specialize in an Esthetics Area in Oklahoma?
Estheticians who want to teach in Oklahoma can earn facial instructor licenses.
This requires a 1,000-clock-hour program with academics, clinic time, and teaching practice.
Esthetician Salary and Projected Job Growth in Oklahoma
Average yearly salary for esthetics in Oklahoma
Oklahoma skin care specialists earned a mean annual salary of $27,950 ($13.44 per hour) in May 2022.
The top-paid 10% of estheticians in Oklahoma earned $45,770, while the lowest-paid 10% made $18,101, per 2022 wage data. Larger urban centers tend to offer higher incomes.
The highest-paying metro areas for estheticians in Oklahoma are:
Metro Area | 2022 Median Salary |
Tulsa | $22,810 |
Oklahoma City | $22,510 |
Table information sourced from O*Net (2023).
The future for estheticians in Oklahoma appears to be sunny. Esthetician jobs in the state could grow by 26% between 2021 and 2031!
How to Become an Esthetician in Oklahoma
Required to earn a esthetics license
If going the esthetician school route, you need to take 600 clock hours (or equivalent credit hours) in an esthetician program.
Training includes the following subjects:
All esthetician schools must have (at a minimum):
After 80 hours under strict teacher supervision, you can start working with clients.
Can I Apprentice as an Esthetician in Oklahoma?
Required to earn a esthetics license
Yes, you can apprentice as an esthetician in Oklahoma. Apprenticeships run for 1,200 hours as opposed to 600 hours in an esthetician school.
Apprentices work with a licensed instructor or practicing esthetician approved by the state. Only one apprentice can work in an establishment at a time.
To apprentice, you must be at least 16, have an eighth-grade education, and train for at least eight hours per day. They also take weekly tests and final practice and theory exams.
Oklahoma Esthetician Licensing Requirements
After finishing your education, it's time for your Esthetician/Facial Operator licensing exam. The test has a written, theory-based part and a practical part in which you show your skills. You must score at least 75% on the esthetician exam to pass. If you take the exam four times and don't pass both parts, you have to take 120 training hours before trying again.
Register for your exam within a year of finishing training. After that, you could have to take 40 more hours of training.
To get ADA accommodations, you need to send the board a written request when you enroll in school. This should include a note from a healthcare professional. Accommodations might include oral exams, adjustments to test scheduling, extra time, and more.
Turn in your license application within 30 days of learning that you passed your test. A first-time esthetician's license fee is $25. Fees must be paid with cashier's checks, money orders, or business checks. If you fail to apply for a license within 60 days to a year, you have to pay a penalty of $10. After that, things get complicated.
Oklahoma Esthetician License Reciprocity
If you're a licensed esthetician in another state and want to practice in Oklahoma, you need to:
The fee for an initial reciprocity license is $30. There's also a $30 processing fee for out-of-state transfer of hours.
License Renewal
License renewal period
Continuing education required
In Oklahoma, an esthetician license is good for one year. To renew, you must apply on or before the last day of your birthday month.
After this day, your license becomes void, and the state may fine you for practicing without a license. Renewals more than two months late are subject to a late fee of $10.
Submit your renewal application with a $30 fee. If you use public assistance or earn below 140% of the poverty line, you can ask for a fee waiver. You may have to show relevant documentation.
You don't have to undergo continuing education to renew your Oklahoma esthetician license. But it's always good to learn more to stay ahead of the competition.
Contact the Oklahoma State Board of Esthetics
- 2401 NW 23rd, Suite 84, Oklahoma City, OK 73107
- Website: Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering
- Call: 405-521-2441
- Fax: 405-521-2440
Resources for Estheticians in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Estheticians
This Facebook page by the NCEA is a great resource for becoming an esthetician in Oklahoma.
ASCP Oklahoma Esthetician Schools
ASCP offers many benefits to its members, like liability insurance. This Oklahoma-specific page focuses on the field in the state.
Estheticians of Oklahoma
This private Facebook group is for current estheticians or esthetics students in Oklahoma. It's there for professional advice, networking opportunities, client help, and more.
National Association of Complementary and Alternative Medicines (NACAMS)
This association serves health, wellness, and beauty professionals with insurance resources and support. The site offers information about esthetician insurance for those working in Oklahoma.