Esthetician Schools in Maine

Now may be a great time to start your Maine esthetician career! Browse our directory of esthetician schools in Maine, or skip ahead to learn about the state's esthetician licensing requirements and job outlook.

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Aveda Institute Maine – Accredited

43 Bridge Street
Augusta, ME 4330

Spa Tech Institute - Westbrook – Accredited

100 Larrabee Road
Westbrook, ME 4092
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

How to Become a Esthetician in Maine

Maine Esthetician Careers At a Glance
  • 600 education hours or 1,000 apprentice hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every year.
  • 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for estheticians in Maine is $47,050.
  • There is a predicted 19% job increase between 2020-2030 for estheticians.

You must be at least 16 year old, go to esthetician school or an apprenticeship, and pass two tests to become an esthetician in Maine.

There are no education requirements aside from your esthetician training.

State-approved schools offer 600-hour esthetician programs that satisfy the curriculum requirements set out by Maine Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation.

Maine esthetician programs include classes and hands-on training and practice to prepare you for licensing exams. Expect classes in biology and chemistry, practical training, and laws and professional standards.

You can also become a licensed esthetician via apprenticeship in Maine. Your apprenticeship should prepare you for state tests, too.

You can apply for your license after you've completed your training and passed your exams. There is a $20 application fee, which is the same cost as your annual license renewal.

What to Expect from an Esthetician Program in Maine

600 Education Hours

Required to earn a esthetics license

Maine requires students to complete 600 hours in an esthetician program over at least three months.

In the state of Maine, licensed estheticians are allowed to perform treatments that “beautify, massage, cleanse, stimulate, tone, and exercise skin using cosmetic products and devices.” Maine estheticians are also allowed to apply makeup as well as trim, tint, and apply lashes.

For Maine esthetician schools to get state board approval, they must teach:

  • Basic anatomy and biology
  • Business and salon management
  • Client management
  • Common treatments like facials, makeup, and body hair removal
  • Equipment use
  • Massage and facial techniques
  • Sanitation, safety, and hygiene

Estheticians in Maine aren’t allowed to diagnose or treat any "dermatological condition." That would fall under the scope of a medical esthetician or, more likely, a physician or nurse esthetician. So, while you may learn about conditions, you can't make medical recommendations about them.

Esthetician Apprenticeships in Maine

1,000 Apprenticeship Hours

Required to earn a esthetics license

You can get a Maine esthetician license through a 1,000-hour apprenticeship. The training needs to last at least six months.

You must register with the state board before starting an apprenticeship. The state should give you a "trainee" license after you submit an application, a $31 fee, and proof of age. For apprenticeships, you need to be 17 or older. A board-approved esthetician in a licensed establishment must act as your apprenticeship mentor.

Maine apprentices must pass the state esthetician tests after training, just as esthetician school grads need to do.

Maine Esthetician Licensing Requirements

To get your esthetician license in Maine, you need to pass written and practical NIC exams.

You can sign up for exams online through DL Roope. They also take paper applications, which you can get from your esthetician school. Online applications have a $10 processing fee. You can sign up for exams after your program or apprenticeship is complete.

If you fail either of the tests, you have to retake the one you failed. If you aren't able to pass within a year of your first attempt, you have to retake both exams again.

The practical exam is only in English. This also applies to the language written on your exam kit supply labels. But, you can request to take the written exam in other languages on your application.

For ADA accommodations, turn in these documents with your test application:

  • Physician verification of your needs
  • School confirmation stating you received accommodations during typical exams

On exam day, show up at least 30 minutes before the exam so you can register. You're expected to dress professionally. Be sure to bring your admission letter and government-issued ID.

The Maine esthetician written exam has 110 questions and a 90-minute time limit. Scientific concepts comprise 55% of the questions, and the other 45% cover skincare and services. You need at least 75% to pass.

You have three hours to complete the practical exam, which you perform on a mannequin (aka your "client"). In Maine, the NIC esthetician practical exam includes:

  • Prepping and setting up your workstation for your first client
  • Performing a basic facial
  • Prepping and setting up your workstation for your second client
  • Waxing and tweezing your second client's eyebrows
  • Putting makeup on your client
  • Running through the blood exposure process

Like the written exam, you need to score 75% to pass the practical exam.

Maine Esthetician License Reciprocity

Maine offers licenses by endorsement for estheticians with active licenses in other states.

Besides an active license, you need a record free of violations outlined by the state board. For example, they ban workplace intoxication and false advertising.

If you are in the military or have a spouse who is, you can also earn your license through reciprocity. You must have an active esthetician license in another state and submit an application.

License Renewal

1 Year

License renewal period

0 Hours

Continuing education required

You need to renew your Maine esthetician's license every year by October 31st.

Maine has no continuing education requirements to renew your esthetician license. But, you should still take training to keep your skills fresh and your techniques up to date.

You renew your license online. Have your access code and license number handy. You need those to process your online application. Your access code is in the reminder email sent 30 days before your license expires.

You must pay a $20 fee each time you renew your license.

Maine Esthetics Careers


Average yearly salary for esthetics in Maine

Maine estheticians earn an average of $47,050, and the number of new esthetician jobs should grow by an exciting 19% between 2020 and 2030.

The lowest-paid estheticians in Maine earn $28,400 or less, while the highest-paid earn $66,470 or more.

In the US, the median salary for estheticians is $37,300. This is lower than the average pay for Maine skincare specialists.

Estheticians in Maine earn the most in Portland and Portland South, where the median salary is $44,120.

Contact the Maine State Board of Esthetics

Office of Professional and Financial Regulation

Resources for Estheticians in Maine

Maine Estheticians
Facebook group supporting Maine estheticians through policy updates and continuing education

Esthetics/Skin Care

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