Esthetician Schools in District of Columbia
If you want to be an esthetician in Washington, DC, you've come to the right place to learn how. This is true even if you work in nearby Maryland or Virginia, and want to move into the city, as those states require different licensure.
Browse our directory of esthetician schools in District of Columbia, or skip ahead to learn about the state's esthetician licensing requirements and job outlook.
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How to Become a Esthetician in District of Columbia
- 600 education hours are required to become licensed.
- You must renew your license every 2 years.
- 6 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
- Average salary for estheticians in Washington DC is $62,470.
- There is a predicted 85% job increase between 2020-2030 for estheticians in DC.
To become an esthetician in Washington, DC, you must take 600 training hours, pass two tests, pay fees, and more. Specifically, you must:
In DC, all estheticians are classified as specialty cosmetology operators. Three licenses are available: Esthetician operator, master esthetician manager, and master esthetician instructor.
You can only become a Master once you've gained your Operator license. Similarly, you can only become an instructor once you have your Master license.
What to Expect from an Esthetician Program in Washington, DC
Required to earn a esthetics license
You need 600 training hours at a board-approved esthetician school to get your license in DC. The topics vary from school to school, but they all must cover these subjects:
Schools have to be licensed by the District of Columbia Educational Licensure Commission. Officials visit schools regularly to see if they're following licensure rules. They have requirements for sanitation, classroom space, staff numbers, equipment, facilities, and more. If they fail to meet the strict standards, they lose their licenses and can no longer teach.
Can I Apprentice as an Esthetician in Washington, DC?
No, you cannot get an esthetician's license in Washington, DC, via apprenticeship. This goes for all other specialty operator licenses, too. But you can get a cosmetologist or barber license through an apprenticeship.
Washington, DC Esthetician Licensing Requirements
To gain your Washington, DC, esthetician license, you need to pass the National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) written and practical exams.
Written examination
The written (theory) exam is administered by PSI Exams. When you finish esthetician school training, you get an authorization letter by mail. It contains instructions for scheduling your exam, which you can do by phone or online.
Exams are held at this location regularly throughout the year:
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Occupational and Professional Licensing Administration
1100 4th Street, SW
Suite E 500
Washington DC 20024
On the day of your written theory exam, arrive at least 30 minutes early and bring a valid government-issued photo ID. You have 90 minutes to complete the 110-question exam. One hundred of the questions are weighted and contribute to your final score. The exam covers these topics:
You need 70% to pass the exam, and you get your results as soon as you finish. If you do not pass, you can retake the exam.
Practical examination
On the day of your practical exam, arrive at least 30 minutes early with supplies labeled in English. Like the written exam, the practical exam is split into several subject areas. These are:
As with the written exam, you need a score of at least 70% to pass. If you fail any part of the practical exam, you can retake just that part and retain credit for the parts you passed.
The exams are held regularly, and you have up to five exam cycles to do so. If you do not retake the parts you failed within those cycles, you need to retake the entire exam.
Exam Accommodations
The written exam can be taken in English, Spanish, Korean, or Vietnamese. If you need accommodations to complete your test, you can submit a request to PSI when you book your test.
Washington, DC Esthetician License Reciprocity
If you have an esthetics license in a different state, you may be able to transfer it to DC via reciprocity. To do this, you must:
You may also be asked to attend a reciprocity interview with the Board.
Esthetician Specialties in Washington, DC
If you want to take your career to the next level, you can become a master esthetician manager. You must take 600 hours in advanced esthetics, medical esthetics, and business at an approved program and get at least 75% on exams.
You can then become a master esthetician instructor. To do this, you need to work as a master esthetician manager in a salon or barbershop for at least six months. You must also complete 1,000 hours in an approved program and pass exams with a minimum score of 75%.
Esthetician License Renewal in Washington, DC
License renewal period
Continuing education required
In Washington, DC, you need to renew your esthetician operator license every two years. Licenses expire on April 15th of each even-numbered year.
You must complete at least six hours of continuing education courses to be eligible. Two hours must cover health, safety, and welfare. The other four hours can be on any relevant topic that interests you, so long as the Board approves the course.
A typical renewal costs $110. If you submit your renewal late, you must pay an extra $50 fee. If you let your license lapse and it becomes inactive, it costs $110 to reinstate it.
Esthetician Salary and Projected Job Growth in Washington, DC
Average yearly salary for esthetics in District of Columbia
Washington, DC, is the highest-paying area for estheticians in the United States!
The average (mean) annual salary for estheticians in Washington, DC, is $62,470 per year, or $30.03 per hour. This is almost double the national average of $41,700 per year, or $20.05 per hour.
Median wages range from $46,550 or less per year to $120,800 or more. How much you may earn depends on your location, experience, treatments, and more.
In addition to being the best-paid area for estheticians, DC has a much better job outlook than the rest of the US. The number of esthetician jobs in DC should grow by an overwhelming 85% from 2020 to 2030. The national expectation is only 17%
Contact the District of Columbia State Board of Esthetics
- 1100 4th Street, SW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20024
- Website: Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
- Email:
- Call: 202-442-4400
- Fax: 202-442-9445
Resources for Estheticians in Washington, DC
American Association of Cosmetology Schools
This DC-based nonprofit has information about teaching, industry events, and laws.
Personal Care Products Council
This leading national trade association is based in Washington, DC. It's the voice on scientific, legal, regulatory, legislative, and international skincare industry issues.