Esthetician Schools in Montana
Browse our directory of esthetician schools in Montana, or skip ahead to learn about the state's esthetician licensing requirements and job outlook.
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You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.
Esthetician Schools Near Me
Check out the Esthetics/Skin Care schools these cities in Montana have to offer.
Comparing Program Costs in MT
Cosmetology School Costs |
Highest range: $15,075 - $17,200 |
Lowest range: $12,950 - $15,075 |
Average: $15,441 |
Esthetics/Skin Care School Costs |
Highest range: $8,600 - $8,700 |
Lowest range: $8,500 - $8,600 |
Average: $8,600 |
How to Become a Esthetician in Montana
- 650 education hours are required to become licensed.
- You must renew your license every 2 years.
- 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
- Average salary for estheticians in Montana is $44,860.
- There is a predicted 17% job increase between 2021-2031 for estheticians nationally.
To become an esthetician in Montana, you must be a legal adult who has met education requirements and passed an exam. An esthetician in Montana, similar to in other states, is allowed to perform skin care services. This may involve using electrical appliances, chemicals, and temporary hair removal products.
The requirements to becoming an esthetician in Montana are as follows:
What to Expect From an Esthetician Program in Montana
Required to earn a esthetics license
Esthetician students in Montana should expect to complete a program including at least 650 training hours. Subject matter covered includes skin care, exfoliation, facials, makeup, artificial lashes, temporary hair removal, and more.
Specifically, the Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists requires that your 650 hours of training include the following topics:
The state also has requirements that approved esthetician programs in the state must meet. For example, a school has to employ at least one esthetics teacher, and classes can't have more than 25 students each. In addition, it has to offer a 650-hour training program that includes the required curriculum, equipment, and supplies, and keep records of attendance and grades.
Can I Apprentice as an Esthetician in Montana?
No, Montana doesn't offer esthetician licensure through apprenticeship. Instead, the state requires you to complete a 650-hour esthetician program.
Montana Esthetician Licensing Requirements
To get your esthetician license in Montana, you need to prove you're at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and have graduated from an approved esthetician school.
This documentation should be submitted with an application (completed electronically or on paper) and your $80 license fee (paid by check) to the Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists. Or, you may email it to
You're eligible to take your exam once you've completed 90% of your curriculum; your school can verify this; and are no more than 90 days from graduation.
Once your application has been reviewed and processed, which takes about 10 days, you get an Authorization to Test (ATT) letter. Then it's time to schedule your exam. The board works with DL Roope Administrations LLC to administer the National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) tests. You need to schedule directly on its website.
Bring your ATT form to your test, along with a state-issued ID. Your exam has two components: a 90-minute written exam and a practical exam that takes about three hours.
You can take a practice written exam to prepare. The test covers the following:
For your practical exam, you have to show that you can perform the following tasks:
You show these skills on a mannequin, as models aren't allowed. So, you need to bring a mannequin head into your exam. You also have to bring a 30" x 30" kit with your supplies, including the following:
Your test scores should be available in 7 to 10 days, and you must score at least 75% on each exam portion to qualify for your license.
If you need accommodations for a disability, request the proper forms from your school or contact DL Roope directly to request them. You must submit this request with the application by the deadline date.
Montana estheticians aren't qualified to perform electrology, which is permanent hair removal. You need a separate license for this.
Montana Esthetician License Reciprocity
Montana doesn't have esthetician licensure reciprocity agreements with other states. If you have a license in another state and want to be licensed in Montana, here are the steps to take:
Esthetician Specialties in Montana
Estheticians in Montana may be able to specialize in light therapy, which involves the focused pulsing of light to correct imperfections in the skin. Often performed at a medical spa, light enters the skin's layers with various colors and wavelengths. It addresses issues like eczema, sun damage, psoriasis, acne, and hair loss.
Montana is one state in which light therapy is part of the esthetics curriculum.
License Renewal
License renewal period
Continuing education required
In Montana, estheticians must renew their licenses every two years between January 2nd and March 1st. You can renew late up to April 15th. The nonrefundable fee to renew is $80.
There's no continuing education requirement for renewing your license unless you're an esthetics instructor.
Montana Esthetics Careers
Average yearly salary for esthetics in Montana
In Montana, the average salary for skin care specialists (another term for estheticians) is $44,860, or $21.57 per hour.
Montana doesn't publish growth rates for estheticians, but the number of jobs is expected to grow by 17% nationwide between 2021 and 2031.
The highest-paying metro areas for estheticians in Montana are:
Metro Area | 2022 Median Salary |
Southwest Montana nonmetropolitan area | $37,440 |
Billings, MT | $31,700 |
Table information from O*Net (2023)
Contact the Montana State Board of Esthetics
- 301 S. Park Avenue 4th Floor, Helena, MT 59620
- Website: Montana Department of Labor and Industry
- Email:
- Call: 406-444-6880
Resources for Estheticians in Montana
Montana Estheticians
This Facebook page from the NCEA talks about esthetics practice and continuing education.
AIM at Melanoma Foundation — Montana
This page describes Montana's melanoma risks, treatment, and prevention.
ASCP Legislative Updates for Montana
This page supplies updates about Montana legislation affecting state estheticians.