Esthetician Schools in Delaware
Browse our directory of esthetician schools in Delaware, or skip ahead to learn about the state's esthetician licensing requirements and job outlook.
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Delaware Learning Institute of Cosmetology – Accredited
Dagsboro, DE 19939
You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.
How to Become a Esthetician in Delaware
- 600 education hours or 1,200 apprentice hours are required to become licensed.
- You must renew your license every 2 years.
- 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
- Average salary for estheticians in Delaware is $39,319.
- There is a predicted 44% job increase between 2020-2030 for estheticians.
Delaware has educational, age, and other requirements for estheticians. Specifically, you need to:
You must also confirm that you:
What to Expect From an Esthetician Program in Delaware
Required to earn a esthetics license
All esthetics programs in Delaware must last at least 600 training hours and cover skincare topics and techniques like cleansing, exfoliating, massage, hair removal, makeup, and more.
According to the requirements of the state of Delaware, your approved training should include the following topics:
Esthetics schools must also work to gain and maintain their state approval to operate. They have to meet strict standards set in place by the state board, including:
In addition, the school must submit relevant paperwork to the state board, such as a detailed floor plan, a list of equipment to be used (and its location within the school), a copy of its Delaware Division of Revenue business license, and a copy of its Delaware Department of Education certificate of approval.
If a school fails to maintain these standards, its license may be revoked.
Esthetician Apprenticeships in Delaware
Required to earn a esthetics license
You can also gain an esthetics license in Delaware via a 1,200-hour apprenticeship. The program must be completed in no fewer than 30 weeks and no more than two years. In addition, you must have completed a 10th grade education (or equivalent) and paid a $40 apprenticeship registration fee to qualify.
All esthetician apprentices in Delaware must be sponsored by a licensed esthetics professional before their training can begin. Your apprenticeship supervisor and the salon you apprentice in both need current Delaware licenses.
Once you've completed 1,200 training hours within your apprenticeship, your supervisor should sign and submit a Verification of Apprenticeship Hours form to the Delaware board, which logs your progress. Then, you still need to pass your practical and theory exams, submit your license application, and pay the relevant fees, just like esthetician license applicants who attend esthetician school for their training.
Delaware Esthetician Licensing Requirements
Once you've finished training, submit your application for licensure. Once approved, you'll get an Authorization to Test Notification (ATN) for your practical and theory exams. This is when you can schedule and pay for your exams, which are administered by Prometric.
Esthetician Theory Exam in Delaware
You have 90 minutes to complete the National Esthetics Theory Examination. The test consists of 110 questions, of which 100 are scored.
On the day of the test, you must arrive at your test center at the time stated on your admission letter and bring the following with you:
The exam covers a wide range of topics, broken down as follows:
Domain I: Scientific Concepts (55%)
Domain II: Skin Care and Services (45%)
Practical Exam for Delaware Estheticians
On the day of your practical exam, you must arrive at the testing center at the time stated on your admission letter and need to bring the following items with you:
Your kit must be kept closed during the exam, except when removing materials for a particular service. All items must be labeled in English, with original manufacturer's labels for disinfectants and hand sanitizers. EPA-registered disinfectant wipes that demonstrate bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal properties must be used. Disinfectant sprays and aerosols are no longer allowed in the testing environment.
The exam is split into several distinct procedures, which are:
- Work Area Preparation and Set Up of Supplies (10 minutes)
- Client Preparation and Basic Facial (25 minutes)
- Work Area Preparation for New Client and Set Up of Supplies (10 minutes)
- New Client Preparation and Hair Removal of the Eyebrows Using Simulated Soft Wax and Tweezing (5-minute set-up, Untimed procedure)
- Facial Makeup (20 minutes)
- Blood Exposure Procedure (10 minutes)
- Particle Microdermabrasion on the Forehead (10 minutes)
- Eyelash Enhancement (10 minutes)
- Hair Removal of the Upper Lip Using Hard Wax (10 minutes)
Once you've completed each exam, you'll receive your results via email. Your results are also sent to the state board. If you have passing scores, the board issues your license and certificate.
ADA Accommodations for Your Esthetics Exam
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students needing accommodations to complete their exams can apply to the board. You may need to supply evidence of your disability and how it might impact your exams. At this point, the board looks at your situation and makes the appropriate arrangements.
Delaware Esthetician License Reciprocity
If you have an esthetics license in another state, you can transfer your license to Delaware via reciprocity. Delaware has two methods of reciprocity to choose from:
Method 1
If the state you're licensed in requires the same (or more) training hours as Delaware, submit a reciprocity application via DELPROS, along with a copy of your current license and a State/Jurisdiction Licensure Verification from that state's board.
Method 2
If the state you're currently licensed in requires fewer training hours than Delaware, you need to submit proof you've worked for at least one of the last five years in addition to the documentation in method 1.
Note that both methods require you to pass the written and practical examinations before being granted your license. The cost of licensure via reciprocity is $101, the same as a standard application.
Esthetician Specialties in Delaware
In Delaware, permanent makeup services (such as microblading and ombre brows) are considered body art and tattooing. So, you must have a specific permit from the Division of Public Health to perform them. You can't offer these treatments with a standard esthetics license.
Esthetician License Renewal in Delaware
License renewal period
Continuing education required
All esthetics licenses in Delaware must be renewed on March 31 of each even year (for example, in 2024, 2026, and 2028). There are no continuing education requirements for renewal in the state.
A few months before your renewal is due, you'll receive a renewal notice via email with a link to complete your application on DELPROS, the state's online licensure system.
If you don't renew your license, it expires, and you can't perform any esthetics services. If your license has been expired for up to five years, you must pay a late fee in addition to the standard renewal fee. After that, your license is terminated. You must then submit a reinstatement application and pay a $202 fee.
Esthetician Salary and Projected Job Growth in Delaware
Average yearly salary for esthetics in Delaware
According to Indeed, the average salary for estheticians in Delaware is $39,319, or $21.91 per hour. This is slightly above the national average of $37,300 per year, or $17.93 per hour. Your esthetician salary potential varies based on your services, location, and experience.
The job outlook for estheticians in Delaware is great, with an incredible 44% growth expected between 2020-2030. This is much more than the national average of 17%. But, it's also one of the smallest states, so it has fewer jobs overall than states like California or Texas.
Contact the Delaware State Board of Esthetics
- Suite 203 861 Silver Lake Blvd, Dover, DE 19904
- Website: Board of Cosmetology and Barbering
- Email:
- Call: 302-744-4500
- Fax: 302-739-2711
Resources for Estheticians in Delaware
Delaware Estheticians
This group supports high state practice standards through certification and continuing education.