Esthetician Schools in Alaska

With a fairly short training period and high expected job growth nationwide, now may be the perfect time to become an esthetician in Alaska. Browse our directory of esthetician schools in Alaska, or skip ahead to learn about the state's esthetician licensing requirements and job outlook.

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Academy of Hair Design – Accredited

113 West Northern Lights Boulevard Suite M
Anchorage, AK 99503

MetrOasis Advanced Training Center & Beauty School – Accredited

4450 Cordova Street 130
Anchorage, AK 99503

THE Beauty School – Accredited

2061 East PalmerWasilla Highway
Wasilla, AK 99654

The Esthetics District – Accredited

600 East Northern Lights Boulevard Suite 130
Anchorage, AK 99503
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

Esthetician Schools Near Me

Check out the Esthetics/Skin Care schools these cities in Alaska have to offer.

How to Become a Esthetician in Alaska

Alaska Esthetician Careers At a Glance
  • 350 education hours or 350 apprentice hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 2 years.
  • 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for estheticians in Alaska is $49,330.
  • There is a predicted 17% job increase between 2021-2031 for estheticians nationwide.

To become an esthetician in Alaska, you need to undergo 350 hours of classes or an apprenticeship and pass two tests.

After your training, you can sign up for your practical and written exams. Your school or apprentice instructor administers the skills exam. An official testing facility proctors the theory test.

Licensing applications for Alaska estheticians cost $150, and your license fee is $180. So, be ready to pay $330 in total when you submit your licensure application.

What to Expect From an Esthetician Program in Alaska

350 Education Hours

Required to earn a esthetics license

Esthetician programs in Alaska include 350 theoretical and practical training hours.

At least 40 hours must focus on theoretical concepts like anatomy and chemistry. You can take 25% of the theoretical instruction in an approved online program. This option should be available to students and apprentices.

The practical instruction requirements are handled a little differently. Instead of going by hours, students must perform a specific number of "practical operations." These include:

  • 60 manual operations (like skin analysis, cleansing, manipulations, packs, and masks)
  • 40 electrical operations (e.g., electrical equipment used by estheticians, like dermal lights)
  • 50 eyebrow-shaping operations (waxing, tweezing, etc.)
  • 50 makeup operations (skin analysis, complete and corrective makeup, and false lash application)

All Alaska esthetician programs must be approved and licensed by the state.

When you choose an approved esthetician program in Alaska, you should expect:

  • Access to all the standard equipment used by estheticians
  • The school to meet Alaska's environmental and sanitary regulations for hair and body art schools and shops
  • At least 1,000 square feet with 15 square feet available per student

Can I Apprentice as an Esthetician in Alaska?

350 Apprentice Hours

Required to earn a esthetics license

Yes, you can get your Alaska esthetician license via a 350-hour apprenticeship and practical and written exams.

Alaska esthetician apprenticeships must last between six months and one year. You need a permit from the board before you start your apprenticeship training.

You should study the same topics in your esthetics apprenticeship as in school. These include manual operations, electrical operations, eyebrow shaping, and makeup application. Even though apprenticeships are more hands-on, you need to take at least 40 hours of theory instruction. You can complete these hours using an approved distance learning platform like PivotPoint.

After finishing training, you take a proficiency exam administered by your apprentice instructor. Then, you can take the NIC National Theory Examination theory (written) exam.

Alaska Esthetician Licensing Requirements

Whether you choose an esthetician school or an apprenticeship, you must pass proficiency and written tests and pay fees to get your Alaska esthetician license.

First comes the proficiency exam, often called a "practical exam" elsewhere. Your school or apprenticeship supervisor administers this test. This exam focuses on the skills you should have learned while training. These skills include, but are not limited to, manual and electric operations, eyebrow shaping, and makeup.

Then comes the theory exam. You must first register with the Alaska state board on its website to take the test. Along with your application, you submit training documentation and pay a $150 fee.

After you are approved, the board sends you a letter with your Candidate ID, which you use to register for the exam. Registration costs $90.

At this point, you may be eligible for a temporary esthetician license. Check out this option if you want to work under an esthetician's supervision while you wait to test. Temporary licenses are valid for 120 days and come with a $250 price tag.

The online written exam tests you on theoretical concepts. Fifty-five percent covers topics like anatomy and physiology, infection control, and basic chemistry. The other 45% focuses on skincare and services. It would be best if you studied topics like skin analysis, protocols, and skincare procedure steps.

The exam takes 90 minutes to complete. Bring a government-issued photo ID, as you need one to get in. Avoid wearing bulky clothing or hats and leave your electronic devices at home. You receive your results via email within minutes of completing the exam.

If you need test accommodations, contact Prov with documentation about your needs.

You can retake the exam three times. After your third attempt, you must redo part or all your training before you retest.

Alaska Esthetician License Reciprocity

Alaska doesn't have reciprocity agreements with any other states. However, you can apply for an esthetician license by waiver if you:

  • Have an active esthetician license in another state.
  • Prove the training for your license mirrors the requirements for Alaska estheticians, AND
  • Submit a passing score on a written esthetician exam.

If all that's good to go, simply apply, pay a fee, and attach all that documentation.

While you await the board's decision, you can apply for a temporary permit to practice for up to six months. Turn in an application, $430 (which covers your permanent license), and verify your current license to get this permit.

If you don't have enough training hours, you must make up the difference in an Alaska esthetician school or apprenticeship before becoming licensed.

Esthetician License Renewal in Alaska

2 Years

License renewal period

0 Hours

Continuing education required

You must renew your Alaska esthetician license by August 31st of odd-numbered years. There's a $180 fee every time you renew your license.

Alaska does not require continuing education hours for esthetician license renewal. But it would be best to continue learning to keep your skills sharp and advance your career.

Processing your license renewal could take four to six weeks, so plan accordingly.

Esthetician Salary and Projected Job Growth in Alaska


Average yearly salary for esthetics in Alaska

Alaska does not publish job growth expectations for estheticians. But the number of skincare specialist jobs across the U.S. is predicted to increase by 17% between 2021 and 2031.

Yearly salaries for estheticians across Alaska range from approximately $30,000 to nearly $90,000, with an average of $$47,990 per year ($23.72 per hour). You have the highest earning potential in Anchorage, where the median salary is $47,990.

Contact the Alaska State Board of Barbers and Hairdressers

Board of Barbers and Hairdressers

Resources for Estheticians in Alaska

Alaska Esthetician Licensing FAQs
Thorough answers to the most common questions about esthetician licenses in Alaska

Esthetics/Skin Care

How to Become a Esthetician in Your State

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