Esthetician Schools Near Minot / Bismarck / Dickinson

Do you hope to become an esthetician in North Dakota but aren't sure where to begin? Consider Minot, Bismark, and Dickinson as places to earn your license and begin your career. North Dakota's extreme temperatures—which can get to as low as -60°F and as high as 121°, though -20°F and 100°F are more common—can do some major skin damage. Estheticians help people save face—literally—by cleansing the skin and identifying and treating problems before they progress.

As of 2019, estheticians in Bismark earned an average of $35,260 per year ($16.95 per hour). Statewide, they made $34,440 ($16.56) that same year. North Dakota esthetician jobs are expected to grow by 11% between 2016 and 2026.

North Dakota requires estheticians to complete 600 hours of training and pass a written and a skills exam before being granted licensure. The Minot, Bismark, and Dickinson schools below could all help you meet these needs.

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If you're looking for only the premier schools that Minot / Bismarck / Dickinson has to offer, then check out our list of Minot / Bismarck / Dickinson's best esthetician schools.

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