Makeup Artistry Schools in Montana

Browse our directory of makeup artistry schools in Montana, or skip ahead to learn about the state's makeup artistry licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Makeup Artist in Montana

Montana Makeup Artist Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for makeup artists in Montana is $48,204 ($23.18/hour). This is higher than the national average of $43,658 ($20.99/hour).
  • There is a predicted 14% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists, including makeup artists. This is higher than the expected national growth of 9%.

Makeup artistry is an exciting career choice in many ways.

You get to work with different people every day, use the newest, trendiest colors and tools in the industry, explore different techniques and styles, and get paid for all of it.

State License Requirements

In Montana, the practice of applying makeup falls into the field of esthetics. For that reason, you need an esthetics license before you can start applying makeup professionally. After completing a 650-hour training course, you can schedule your NIC written and practical exams. When you submit your application with the $80 licensing fee and provide proof of passing exam scores, you may become licensed.

Education Details

As you start your training in Montana, you may learn about the many tools used by makeup artists throughout the course of their careers. You may explore different brushes, applicators, and cleaners. This requires you to practice using all of them and learn about the techniques used with each brush. Once you know about the tools and makeup that skilled artists use, you can start building up your own skill set. You may learn how to apply makeup for daily wear, how to use airbrush makeup for a flawless look, and how to use cosmetics for special events. Hands-on experience is at the core of this program. In addition to working on mannequin faces, you are expected to work on real clients and adjust your techniques according to the feedback given by your instructor. As you work toward completing your education, you may learn how to use various makeup brands and techniques to achieve a wide range of looks.

License Renewal

If you earn your esthetician's license you will need to renew it every two years, and pay an $80 fee, due no later than March 1st. No matter which direction you choose, having a license will inspire more confidence in your clients.

Montana Makeup Artistry Careers


Average yearly salary for makeup artistry in Montana

When you become a makeup artist, it's all about how many people you can get in your makeup chair and how happy you can make them. O*Net predicts a 14% increase in cosmetology jobs through 2026, which includes jobs in makeup artistry. If you're willing to work a variety of hours, work long hours for special events, and travel to meet clients, you may be able to build quite a following as a makeup artist. Just as your job outlook is dependent on your skills and your flexibility, your salary is influenced by the same factors. The average salary for a cosmetology professional in Montana is $48,204 per year, according to O*Net. However, if you have a major impact on your clients or go above and beyond for them, you may earn tips and increase your earning potential. In addition, taking on freelance gigs for weddings, dances, and other special events may allow you to earn extra money on the side.

Makeup is a field that's constantly changing and evolving, which is why this career can give you the freedom to explore new techniques and make the most of your creativity. You may choose the work setting that best fits your schedule and your long-term goals. You may use you makeup artistry skills to work in a department store, in a makeup boutique, for a spa, or for a salon. Whichever route you choose, you get to work with many different customers and clients. If you'd prefer to have a bit more control over your schedule, you may want to become a freelance makeup artist. Freelancing allows you to take on clients and build your own client base. However, this may require you to work out of your home, travel to clients in nearby cities, or open up your own office to work from. Everyone wants to look beautiful, so you have many potential clients when you become a makeup artist! There's plenty of room for charismatic, skilled professionals in this specialty. Just look at Michelle Phan. She started creating makeup tutorial videos as a hobby. That hobby has led to millions of dollars in YouTube revenue, a book deal, a makeup line, and her own online network, ICON. It's all about getting out there, making a name for yourself, and making your clients happy.

Contact the Montana State Board of Cosmetology

Montana Department of Labor and Industry
Make-Up Artist Training

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