Esthetician Schools Near Columbus / Tupelo / West Point

If you're considering becoming an esthetician in Mississippi, consider Columbus, Tupelo, and West Point for your studies and beginning your career. With lots of outdoor activities in all three towns, you'd have the opportunity to help residents stop skin problems caused by weather in their tracks.

In 2019, estheticians in Mississippi earned a mean salary of $47,040 per year ($22.61 per hour). This is much higher than the national average of $39,970. Nationwide, jobs for estheticians are expected to grow by 11% between 2018 and 2028.

To earn your esthetician license in Mississippi, you need to complete 600 hours of training and pass a written and a skills test. The Columbus, Tupelo, and West Point area schools below could all help you on your way.

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Paul Mitchell The School

Program: Cosmetology

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Aveda Institute

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Georgia Career Institute (GA)

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Esthetician Schools Near You

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Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Amory Cosmetology Academy – Accredited

301 Highway 6
Amory, MS 38821

Booneville Academy of Cosmetology – Accredited

102 Pinehill Road
Boonville, MS 38829

Dynasty College of Cosmetology & Barberology – Accredited

449 North Front Street
Tupelo, MS 38804

Tupelo Academy of Cosmetology – Accredited

205 Commerce Street
Tupelo, MS 38804

Vaughn Beauty College – Accredited

108 South Maple
Aberdeen, MS 39730
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

Find Other Esthetician Schools in Mississippi

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Esthetics/Skin Care

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