Barbering Schools in South Dakota

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South Dakota Barber College

1601 Cambell Street 1
Rapid City, SD 57701
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

Barbering Schools Near Me

Check out the Barbering schools these cities in South Dakota have to offer.

How to Become a Barber in South Dakota

South Dakota Barbering Careers At a Glance
  • 1500 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every year.
  • 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • The average salary for barbers in South Dakota is $41,255 ($19.83/hour). This is higher than the national average of $30,150 ($14.50/hour).
  • There is a predicted 7% job increase for barbers between 2018-2028 nationally.

When you think of a barber shop, do you think of a quaint little shop with one or two barbers trimming hair and cracking jokes? The field of barbering is changing, and although there are plenty of traditional barber shops still open today, there are also many cutting-edge barber shops that cater to younger men.

Find out more about barbering programs in South Dakota to get started in this specialty.

State License Requirements

1500 Education Hours

Required to earn a barbering license

Education Details

To become a barber, you must attend a licensed barbering program in South Dakota. This program covers a different set of skills than cosmetology programs, as barbering schools focus solely on male beauty needs. You may first look at male hair care, how it has changed throughout the decades, and what current trends are. This involves learning about different hair cutting and styling tools. You should practice quite a bit on mannequin heads and male clients. Just as important as hair care is facial hair maintenance. Whether your clients want a full beard or a clean shave, you must be able to meet their expectations. Plan on working with a full set of shaving and trimming tools.

License Renewal

1 year

License renewal period

0 Hours

Continuing education required

In South Dakota you’ll need to renew your barber license every year by June 30th. You will do this through the S. Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation. You can view the application for renewal here. The cost for a renewal is $75. Please note, if you turn in your application late, you’ll need to include an additional $15. The fee for an expired license is $12 per year. South Dakota does not have any continuing education requirements, but don’t get too comfortable in your skills. It’s always a good idea to stay current through courses, workshops and networking events.

South Dakota Barbering Careers


Average yearly salary for barbering in South Dakota

The field of barbering is growing rapidly, particularly as different facial hair styles become popular once again. According to CareerOneStop, job openings for barbers may increase by 7% between 2016 and 2026. The salary you earn may depend on how many clients you see and which type of salon or barber shop you work for. The average salary for a South Dakota barber is $41,255 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020).

It's all about consistency and reliability in the field of barbering. While women who go to salons may change their styles on a regular basis, it's not uncommon for men to find a style they like and keep it their entire lives. If you can give a customer the style he wants without too much fuss, you'll likely have a loyal customer for years. However, you should also be ready to work with the younger generation of men, many of whom are interested in new styles.

Contact the South Dakota State Board of Barbering

South Dakota Board of Barber Examiners

The demand for more professional barbers is present in South Dakota according to state board projections. With that, many are finding barbering intriguing as a career choice and being the process with these resources.

South Dakota Barber Apprentice Packet
South Dakota Barber Exam Portal

South Dakota

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