If you want to become a barber in Arkansas, we're here to help you on your path. Browse our directory of barber schools in Arkansas, or skip ahead to learn about the state's barber license requirements and job outlook.
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You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.
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1,500 education hours are required to become licensed.
You must renew your license every year.
0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
The average salary for barbers is $39,050 nationwide.
There is a predicted 8% job increase for barbers between 2021-2031 nationally.
To become a barber in Arkansas, you must complete a barber program at a State-approved school, pass a practical demonstration exam and a written and oral theory exam, pay a $50 licensing fee, and submit an online application to the State Board.
What to Expect From a Barber Program in Arkansas
1,500 Education Hours
Required to earn a barber license
Barber programs in Arkansas must take at least 1,500 hours to complete and cover topics such as sanitation, barbering services, science, and salesmanship.
To earn your Arkansas barber license, you must complete a 1,500-hour barber program at a board-approved school, pass a practical demonstration and written and oral theory exam, pay a fee, and submit a license application online.
You must also:
Be at least 16 ½ years old
Have graduated 8th grade
Test negative for TB and on a Wassermann test
Having a criminal record doesn't automatically stop you from earning your license. However, it can affect the process, depending on your crime. If you have a criminal record, complete a pre-licensure background check before submitting your application.
You must register at least 10 days in advance for your Arkansas barber licensing exams. To register, you have to complete an application for examination form provided by the board, provide a certificate of completion from your barber program, and pay both the $75 exam and $50 licensing fees.
You need to get a score of at least 75% to pass each exam. If you fail, you must attend a barber board meeting and ask to re-test.
The board doesn't provide study guides or content outlines for the exams. Still, per Arkansas law, "examinations shall include both a practical demonstration and a written and oral test and shall embrace the subjects usually taught in schools of barbering approved by the board." This means you should study the topics covered in your barber program's curriculum before taking your exams.
Can I Apprentice as a Barber in Arkansas?
No, you can't apprentice as a barber in Arkansas.
Arkansas Barber License Reciprocity
Arkansas offers license reciprocity to anyone with 1,500 or more hours of barber training who holds a valid barber license in another state. You are also eligible if you have one year of experience as a barber instead of the 1,500 training hours.
You don't need to complete any continuing education to renew your Arkansas barber license. However, staying current on the latest barbering laws, trends, and technologies that affect Arkansas barbers is always advisable.
Barber Salary and Projected Job Growth in Arkansas