Hair Braiding Schools in Louisiana

Browse our directory of hair braiding schools in Louisiana, or skip ahead to learn about the state's hair braiding licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Hair Braider in Louisiana

Louisiana Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for hair braiding in Louisiana is $23,970.
  • There is a predicted 4.8% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

Hair braiding is an age-old and venerable tradition that got its start in the nations of Africa and crossed the ocean to the United States about twenty years ago, where it became popular as a unique, attractive, and easy to maintain hair styling technique sought after by many people, especially those of African-American heritage. Hair braiding offers an alternative to some to the caustic chemical treatments that are used to straighten African-American hair, and hence is often preferred by individuals looking to get away from harsh chemicals. Hair braiding is a highly specialized skill that requires a steady hand and a good eye, as well as a flair for the artistic. But if these skills sound like your forte, and you would like a career in the beauty industry that not everyone performs, consider developing a career in hair braiding in the state of Louisiana!

State License Requirements

The Louisiana Board of Cosmetology is in charge of issuing licenses to hair designers, which includes hair braiders. You will need a minimum of 500 hours of training in an accredited program to be eligible to take the licensing exam. The exam itself consists of two parts: a knowledge test (written), and a practical part. Once you have passed the exam and received your license, you must renew it every year on your birthday. You do not need to take continuing education courses to renew your license, although these courses keep you current and fresh in the field and are thus highly recommended anyway.

Education Details

Hair braiding programs can be found at local cosmetology, hair dressing, and hair styling schools throughout the state. There, your curriculum will focus on all aspects of hair care including shampooing and conditioning, cutting, coloring and highlighting, perming and straightening, as well as hair braiding. In your program, you will learn the five basic techniques of hair braiding: braiding, cornrowing, weaving, twisting, and locking, as well as how to perform each one. Teaching will take place via videos and live demonstrations, and eventually you'll get to practice on live humans. Courses will teach about the anatomy and physiology of hair and skin, and diseases of each. And you will learn about sterilization and sanitation regulations that apply within the state of Louisiana. Some fundamentals of running a beauty business will be taught to you as well, along with methods of keeping customers satisfied and coming back.

Louisiana Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in Louisiana

According to O*Net, the average yearly wage earned by cosmetologists, hair dressers, and hair stylists in Louisiana in 2013, the last year for which such statistics have been made available, was $22,100, slightly less than the United States median salary. However, the cost of living in Louisiana is lower than in many other parts of the country. Also, this salary is just an average. Many factors affect what you may actually earn including the number of years of experience you have, the policies of the spa or salon your work at, how big a customer base you have developed, and whether you have a specialty skill. Being a hair braider is a specialty skill that not everyone possesses, and thus, it may be possible for you to earn even more. This is especially true if you open your own salon devoted exclusively to hair braiding. This will allow you to not only keep more of the fees you collect, and profit from being a business owner and manager. The field of cosmetology, hair dressing, and hair styling is expected to grow between 8% and 14% from 2010 to 2020, meaning the jobs should be out there for you when you are ready for them.

Hair braiding is an exacting and demanding art that takes patience, skill, and time. As a hair braider, you will work with individual clients, often for a considerable length of time, if you are braiding an entire head of hair, so you'll typically see relatively few clients in a day compared to other hairdressers who do not do braiding. To be a good hair braider, you must also be a good listener, as clients frequently like to talk about themselves, their lives, and current events. It helps to develop empathy and understanding. It is likely that your career will begin with you working in a spa or salon. You may have a private area or room, to help you concentrate better. Most of your work will be by appointment, although some spas and salons welcome walk-ins as well. Working by appointment means you have some scheduling flexibility, although clients will expect you to be available when they want to see you, which often means working some evenings and weekends. Still, you can work full or part time, devote yourself exclusively to hair braiding or combine it with other hair design and care skills. Louisiana has a large African-American population, meaning that the demand for hair braiding skills should be very strong. Hair braiding is an old and venerable tradition, handed down from generation to generation within families, and now taught in beauty schools in the United States. If this seems like an area of the beauty industry you would enjoy, consider a program in hair braiding today!

Contact the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology

Louisiana Board of Cosmetology

Louisiana’s beauty industry has demonstrated a significant broadening of culture and style, and hairdressers have paved that way in their services offered. Hair braiding has gotten to be popular enough that the state now offers a designated license for it. Eager parties can find out more from these groups.

Professional Beauty Association
American Association of Cosmetology Schools

Hair Braiding

How to Become a Hair Braider in Your State

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