Hair Braiding Schools in Arkansas

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How to Become a Hair Braider in Arkansas

Arkansas Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for hair braiding in Arkansas is $24,740 .
  • There is a predicted 8.1% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

Hair braiding is a traditional African technique of styling hair that has become popular in the United States over the past decade or so. It involves designing elaborate braids, or plaits, often all over the head, into a style that is attractive and easy to care for over a period of time. If you are a hairdresser or cosmetologist and are interested in finding a specialty area in which you can stand out for your unique skills and knowledge, a career move into hair braiding in Arkansas may be a great career choice for you!

Education Details

You will study hair braiding at a school of cosmetology that offers this specialized program. There, you will learn the five basic methods of braiding hair: weaving, cornrowing, braiding, twisting, and locking. You will learn by watching videos and live demonstrations of stylists performing these procedures. You will move on from there to working on mannequins, and only after you have achieved a certain level of mastery will you go on to work on other people and live clients. The number of required hours for hair braiding programs varies considerably, and there is no standardized curriculum or program, so if you have more than one school of cosmetology near you, be sure to look into what each school has to offer in this area. Some hair braiding programs also teach you how to put in extensions, as many braiding techniques are performed on hair that is lengthened with extensions.

Arkansas Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in Arkansas

Cosmetologists and hairdressers in the state of Arkansas earned an average salary of $20,500 in 2013. Of course, with a specialized area of expertise such as hair braiding, you will have the potential to earn considerably more than that. As you gain a reputation and repeat clients, you may want to consider opening your own hair braiding salon which will make your income potential even higher. It is projected that growth in the field of hairdressing and cosmetology will grow between 8% and 14% between the years 2012 and 2022, making this a career move that has good potential for increasing your income.

Working as a hair braider means developing repeat clientele who come to know, like, and trust your work. Because hair braiding is very time consuming, you will spend long sessions with individual clients. You may have just a few long sessions each day with a handful of clients. You will need to be a good listener, as many clients like to talk with their stylists while they are having their hair worked on. In between clients, you will need to clean and neaten your work station in preparation for the next client. As a hair braider, you will enjoy considerable flexibility in regards to scheduling. Braiders can work either full or part time, although they need to be sensitive to the scheduling needs of their clients, which usually means working some evening and weekend hours. If you are interested in finding a specialty niche within the field of hairdressing and cosmetology, consider the specialty of hair braiding. It just may be the move you need to make to get your career moving forward!

Contact the Arkansas State Board of Cosmetology

Arkansas Department of Health

Becoming a hair braiding specialist in Arkansas means that you are adding extra flair to the landscape of hair culture within the state. Making that a career path means that you’ll be undergoing a solid process with strong resources to help along the way.

American Association of Cosmetology Schools
Professional Beauty Association

Hair Braiding

How to Become a Hair Braider in Your State

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