Hair Braiding Schools in North Carolina

Browse our directory of hair braiding schools in North Carolina, or skip ahead to learn about the state's hair braiding licensing requirements and job outlook.

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Apex Beauty Academy

4410 East Independence Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28205

Gobty Institute

5655 Western Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27606

How to Become a Hair Braider in North Carolina

North Carolina Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • 300 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 3 years.
  • 24 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for hair braiding in North Carolina is $28,170.
  • There is a predicted 15.9% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

With so many different cultures and hair styles in the United States, hair professionals can learn a huge variety of styling tips and techniques. Hair braiding is one type of styling that has started to become very popular in recent years. It involves holding a piece of hair tight and braiding it, using tension to create a tight braid that can last for weeks.

There are many hair braiding programs in North Carolina that can help you get the training you need to become a successful braider. Use our directory of beauty schools in North Carolina to learn more about hair braiding programs near you!

State License Requirements

300 Education Hours

Required to earn a hair braiding license

Like any other salon employee, hair braiders must have a thorough understanding of sanitation, hygiene, and safety in beauty. You'll likely explore every aspect of cosmetology laws in North Carolina to ensure that your station is always clean, ready for clients, and up to standards. Your education may cover how to clean and properly store tools to minimize the spread of infection.

Education Details

In a field like hair braiding in North Carolina, it's obvious that hands-on experience is absolutely crucial. You may work with mannequin heads and real clients' hair to learn how to work with natural hair, extensions, short hair, and long hair. While working on your hands-on skills, you may learn lots of different braiding techniques. Popular braiding techniques include single braids, twists, cornrows, and knots. If one particular type of braiding is popular in your area, it will likely be part of your training.

License Renewal

3 Years

License renewal period

24 Hours

Continuing education required

North Carolina Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in North Carolina

Like many other cosmetology professionals, hair braiders are in high demand in North Carolina. According to O*Net, job openings for cosmetologists and hairstylists are expected to increase 13% between 2010 and 2020. The job outlook may be more positive in cities, where there tends to be a greater demand for unique hairstyles. In addition, having special braiding skills or techniques can give you a more promising job outlook. You may earn a competitive range of salaries as a hair braider. The average salary for a hairdresser in North Carolina is $21,800 per year, according to O*Net. On the high end of the salary scale, hairstylists can earn over $49,200 per year (O*Net, 2013). To legally work as a hair braider in this state, you must earn your license from the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners.

It's important to realize that hair braiding, despite being a tradition that's been around for hundreds of years, has only recently started to grow in popularity in the United States. As a result, your work experience may differ drastically based on where you live and which career path you choose! Like Melony Armstrong, you may choose to complete your hair braiding training and start your own braiding salon. Armstrong learned how to execute numerous braiding styles and started working to open a business. In the process, she gave hair braiders more freedom by loosening licensing restrictions and brought national attention to this hair design field. People who want hair braiding come from all different backgrounds. To meet your clients' needs, you may need to work early in the morning or late at night to fit their schedules. While you can easily spend several hours giving a client a full head of braids, you may also see customers for short follow-up appointments. Keeping a flexible schedule can help you see as many customers as possible. Continuing to build your body of knowledge can contribute to a rewarding and successful career. Plan on spending some of your time learning about new braiding styles. Doing so can make you an in-demand stylist!

Contact the North Carolina State Board of Cosmetology

North Carolina State Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners

The beauty industry in North Carolina is strong, and bolstered by top-notch hair stylists. Hair braiding is a staple in the state, with many opting for intricate forms. Many become braiding professionals by consulting these groups.

North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners
Professional Beauty Foundation
Associated Hair Professionals

For School Owners

Don't see your school listed? Want to discuss becoming a featured school in the directory? Contact us to learn more.


Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Apex Beauty Academy

4410 East Independence Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28205

Gobty Institute

5655 Western Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27606
Hair Braiding
North Carolina

How to Become a Hair Braider in Your State

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