Hair Braiding Schools in Rhode Island
Browse our directory of hair braiding schools in Rhode Island, or skip ahead to learn about the state's hair braiding licensing requirements and job outlook.
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How to Become a Hair Braider in Rhode Island
- Average salary for hair braiding in Rhode Island is $27,770Â .
- There is a predicted 5.5% job increase between 2012 - 2022.
One of the best parts of working in the beauty industry is the variety of jobs and career options you can pursue. If there's one type of style you enjoy or want to perfect, you may be able to find a career that suits your interests. If you like working with natural hair and using different braiding methods to bring out hair's natural beauty, learn more about hair braiding programs in Rhode Island by contacting the schools listed below.
Education Details
Before you can become a skilled braider, you have to know exactly what they do. In your training, you may learn about the history of braiding, briefly cover the different styles used by today's braiders, and discuss basic techniques for working with a client's hair. When you understand more about braiding and how it works, you can start building up your set of practical skills. Your instructors may cover a variety of braiding techniques, including cornrowing, twisting, weaving, and locking. By working with different mannequin heads, you can learn how to work with hair of different textures and lengths.
Rhode Island Hair Braiding Careers
Average yearly salary for hair braiding in Rhode Island
When you start your beauty career in Rhode Island, you may enjoy numerous benefits. Salaries in this state tend to be above average. Per O*Net, the average salary for a Rhode Island cosmetology professional is $23,600 per year. Between 2012 and 2022, job openings for Rhode Island cosmetology specialists are expected to increase by 11% (O*Net, 2012).
You have many employment options to think about once you finish your braider training. This is considered a great field for those who want to own a small business or become self-employed. If there are few braiders in your community, you may want to open your own braiding shop and start carving out your part of the market. Otherwise, you may find job openings for braiders at spas and salons. Client communication should be one of your main focuses as a braider. When you get a client in your chair, it's important to understand what they want and keep them informed throughout the process. This can help you build your client base and fill your schedule book.
Contact the Rhode Island State Board of Cosmetology
- 3 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908
- Website: Department of Health
- Email: Contact the Department of Health
- Call: 401-222-5960
Hair professionals in Rhode Island have taken notice of the demand for more diverse salon treatments, with hair braiding near the top of the list. To that end, those interested in the field obtain insight from these organizations.
Associated Hair Professionals
National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences