Hair Braiding Schools in New Hampshire

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How to Become a Hair Braider in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for hair braiding in New Hampshire is $28,770.
  • There is a predicted 9.8% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

When you decide to start your career in the field of cosmetology, there are many paths that you can consider. One of the fastest-growing specialties in the United States is hair braiding. Hair braiding is an art that has become popular in various parts of the United States, with practitioners providing many types of braiding services. If you are skilled with your hands and ready to learn about one of the most diverse careers in cosmetology, contact the hair braiding schools in New Hampshire.

State License Requirements

As a hair braiding student, you must meet the licensing standards of the New Hampshire Board of Barbering, Cosmetology, and Esthetics. New Hampshire does not have a license that's specifically intended for hair braiders, so you must complete a full 1,500-hour cosmetology program to work as a braider.

Education Details

While earning your cosmetology degree, you may learn about many types of hair braiding and styling. Early in your education, your instructor may cover four main types of braiding techniques. Once you've demonstrated skill in this area, you can move on to more advanced techniques like weaving and cornrowing. Many New Hampshire programs also focus on locking and twisting. You may discover how to perform these techniques with extensions. After watching your instructor perform these styles, you may practice them yourself on mannequin heads and real clients.

New Hampshire Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in New Hampshire

The field of cosmetology is growing steadily in the state of New Hampshire, so you may have quite a few options to consider after you start your career in this field. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net predicts a 12% increase in cosmetology jobs. This includes jobs in hair braiding. As this field becomes a larger part of the beauty industry, more specific job growth information may become available. Salaries reported by New Hampshire cosmetology professionals are in line with nationally reported income data. Per O*Net, the average salary for a New Hampshire cosmetologist is $22,300 per year. However, there is quite a bit of variability in this field. You may earn more if you have a wide range of braiding skills, if you work in an area where braiding is a major trend, or if you build a strong reputation as a braider. Keep in mind that braiders often earn part of their income from tips, so your income may vary from month to month.

There are growing opportunities in this field. Some beauty stores are now offering in-store braiding bars. In this setting, you can serve clients on a walk-in basis and show people the diversity of braiding. This may help you get new clients and build your customer base.

Contact the New Hampshire State Board of Cosmetology

New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification

Even though continuing education may not be a required part of maintaining your license, you may still wish to take advantage of local training events for the sake of your career, which you can find through the Board's website. Hair stylists as a rule have to be versatile in order to meet the different desires of their clients. In New Hampshire, this is becoming more true thanks to the emergence of more who specialize in hair braiding. With projections seeing a double-digit rise in new stylists in the state, interested parties use these resources.

American Association of Cosmetology Schools
Professional Beauty Federation

Hair Braiding
New Hampshire

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