Hair Braiding Schools in Connecticut

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How to Become a Hair Braider in Connecticut

Connecticut Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for hair braiding in Connecticut is $30,350.
  • There is a predicted 8.5% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

Hair braiding is a traditional African hairstyling art that has gained considerable popularity over the past several years in the United States. It has come to be practiced in spas and salons throughout the country as well as in free-standing hair braiding salons dedicated to the art. If you are seeking to enter a specialty area in the hairdressing or cosmetology field, and you enjoy creating artistic hair designs, you may want to consider becoming a hair braider in the state of Connecticut.

State License Requirements

The Connecticut Board of Public Health regulates most of the professions in the beauty industry, including hairdressing, which hair braiding falls under. To become a hairdresser, you will need 1500 hours of course work at an accredited institution. When you have passed the exam, you will be issued your license upon paying the required fee. Licenses must be renewed every two years and require 10 hours of continuing education credits.

Education Details

You will first have to become trained in general aspects of hairdressing before becoming eligible to specialize in hair braiding. The programs you will need are found in schools of cosmetology and in some community colleges. In school you will learn haircutting techniques, coloring and highlighting, shampooing and conditioning, styling and designing hair, as well as the five hair braiding techniques of weaving, cornrowing, braiding, twisting, and locking. When you begin your hair braiding training, you will start by watching videos and observing seasoned professionals. You will move on to working with mannequins, and only after you have shown a good degree of mastery will you be assigned live clients to work on. You may want to put in additional hours in an apprenticeship, working under the instruction and supervision of a master hair braider to even further enhance your skills. When you have completed your training, you will need to take and pass the state licensing exam which will test your theoretical knowledge in all areas of hairdressing and cosmetology as well as hair braiding, and you will need to demonstrate your competencies in all areas of the field. When you have passed the exam, you will be issued your license upon paying the required fee. Licenses must be renewed every two years and require 10 hours of continuing education credits.

License Renewal

Licenses must be renewed every two years and require 10 hours of continuing education credits.

Connecticut Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in Connecticut

The career outlook for those entering the hairdressing and cosmetology industry is favorable. The need for professionals in these areas is expected to grow between 8% and 14% between 2012 and 2022. The median salary for these professionals, in 2013, was $23,800. Of course, if you choose to develop the additional competency in hair braiding, you will most likely earn considerably more, as there are fewer professionals who can provide that specific service. Thus, adding hair braiding to your skills repertoire is a great way to enhance your earnings potential!

Working as a hair braider tends to be a bit different from working as a standard hairdresser. Braiding hair is highly labor-intensive, meaning that you may be working for an hour or more with each client you see. As a result, you may spend more time with fewer clients in a day. It is very important that your ability to relate well to your clients be outstanding, and that you be able to listen actively and express empathy. Attention to detail and excellent fine motor skills are necessary to be successful in performing this exacting task, as well as an artistic bent and the ability to create pleasing, attractive hair designs. Braiders work in spas and salons, and have the possibility of opening their own dedicated hair braiding salon over time, making this a career with real potential to move up.

Contact the Connecticut State Board of Cosmetology

Department of Public Health

Hair care professionals and those who aspire to be in Connecticut realize that success hinges on how multi-faceted their skills are. To that end, hair braiding is atop the list of techniques to possess. As there aren’t specific local licensing statutes for the state, many obtain information through these following groups.

American Association of Cosmetology Schools
Professional Beauty Association

Hair Braiding

How to Become a Hair Braider in Your State

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