Hair Braiding Schools in Mississippi

Browse our directory of hair braiding schools in Mississippi, or skip ahead to learn about the state's hair braiding licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Hair Braider in Mississippi

Mississippi Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for hair braiding in Mississippi is $23,670 .
  • There is a predicted -9.0% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

The field of hair braiding may well be one of the most complex specialties in the cosmetology industry. Far more goes into a head of braids than a simple three-strand braid. In fact, there are many styles of braiding, each of which has its roots in a different culture. By studying hair braiding in Mississippi, you can discover how versatile this specialty really is.

State License Requirements

The Mississippi State Department of Health regulates the licensing of hair braiders in Mississippi. To apply for a license in this specialty, you must complete a self-administered test on braiding techniques. This means that you should choose a program that makes you feel confident about your braiding skills and knowledge.

Education Details

As you work through a braiding course, you may develop skills in many different techniques and styles. You may start with braiding, as this is the most simple style. You may then move on to twisting and locking. Advanced braiding styles include weaving and cornrowing. After you have mastered each technique with natural hair, you may learn how to work with extensions to create a smooth and seamless look. As part of your course, you may braid on your own hair, on mannequin heads, and on your fellow students. It is all about getting as much experience as you can with as many heads of hair as possible!

Mississippi Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in Mississippi

The overall job outlook for cosmetology professionals is very stable in Mississippi. As is the case in many fields, the demand for specialists may be even better. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net hopes to see a 4% increase in cosmetology jobs in Mississippi. This is expected to lead to over 100 new jobs per year (O*Net, 2012). Doing some market research and getting started in an in-demand area can give you a jumpstart. Cosmetology salaries are influenced by a number of factors in Mississippi, including experience, specialty, and schedule. The more experience you get in hair braiding, the more you may be able to earn for your services. Since this specialty is in demand throughout the state, your salary may be higher than average. If you're willing to work the hours that your customers want your braiding services, you may boost your earning potential. O*Net reports that the average salary for a cosmetologist in Mississippi is $23,400 per year.

There are quite a few long-term career possibilities in the field of hair braiding. If you're interested in business ownership, you may open your own braiding salon, manage other braiders, and expand your brand throughout Mississippi. If you have a knack for teaching, you can become an instructor and make sure that the art of braiding lives on. In both of these options, it's important to be part of the local community. Isis Brantley, a long-time braider, has done both successfully. This is why it's essential to build up a strong customer base, find out what people in your geographical area want, and always strive to keep your clients happy.

Contact the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology

Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology

Mississippi boasts a solid network of hair stylist professionals with diverse talents to better serve their customers. The stability of the industry allows for newer trends to emerge like hair braiding. Interested parties consult these groups to learn more.

American Association of Cosmetology Schools

Hair Braiding

How to Become a Hair Braider in Your State

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