Permanent Makeup Schools in South Dakota

Browse our directory of permanent makeup schools in South Dakota, or skip ahead to learn about the state's permanent makeup licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in South Dakota

South Dakota Permanent Makeup Artistry Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for permanent makeup artists in South Dakota is $60,034 ($28.86/hour). This is higher than the national average of $55,093 ($26.49/hour).
  • There is a predicted 14% job increase between 2016-2026 for skincare specialists, including permanent makeup artists. This is higher than the expected national growth of 11%.

If you take a look at the beauty industry over the last decade, it's amazing to see how the field has changed and what new technological developments have come about. Permanent makeup is one of the fields that has benefited greatly from beauty developments.

If you can learn how to safely and appropriately use tattoo needles, you can give someone the gift of never having to apply makeup again. Learn more about permanent makeup programs in South Dakota now by requesting information from the schools listed below.

State License Requirements

In South Dakota, the practices of tattooing and permanent makeup are not regulated by the state. The regulations are left up to the individual counties, which can create their own permit and training requirements for these types of practitioners. That's why it's important to find the right permanent makeup artist program.

Education Details

As a student in this specialty, you should spend a lot of time on technique and finesse. Tattoo needles are extremely sensitive, and you must be able to use them the right way to achieve the desired effect. Your instructors should explore different parts of the face and show you the techniques used for each facial feature. You must get practice with each of these techniques in order to serve clients after you graduate.

License Renewal

By setting your own high standards through a quality program, you can prepare to pass any requirements your county might have. You can also develop the skills to provide your clients with the highest quality of work with the right training.

South Dakota Permanent Makeup Careers


Average yearly salary for permanent makeup in South Dakota

As people realize how convenient permanent makeup is and find out how affordable it can be, the demand for permanent makeup artists may increase accordingly. In fact, this field is growing rapidly already. From 2016 through 2026, CareerOneStop predicts a 14% increase in permanent makeup jobs. Your income may vary throughout the course of your career. Overall, the average salary for a permanent makeup artists in South Dakota is $60,034 per year (ZipRecruiter, 2020).

Though your specialty is working with makeup needles, you may spend much of your time on other tasks in your day-to-day career. Paperwork is a crucial part of permanent makeup, since you must obtain informed consent from each patient. This involves doing a full consultation with each client and ensuring that you understand their needs. With each procedure, you may have one appointment during which you do most of the work on your client. Most procedures require multiple follow-up appointments before the full desired effect is achieved. Due to this, you may have repeat clients that stick with you throughout your career.

Contact the South Dakota State Board of Permanent Makeup

South Dakota Cosmetology Commission

The state of South Dakota has experienced a steady uptick in the amount of those pursuing beauty care careers. In addition, some are taking up highly elaborate fields of expertise, such as permanent makeup. Many have sought help from these resources beforehand.

Professional Beauty Association
Association of Cosmetology Salon Professionals

Permanent Make-Up
South Dakota

How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Your State

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