Permanent Makeup Schools in Georgia
Browse our directory of permanent makeup schools in Georgia, or skip ahead to learn about the state's permanent makeup licensing requirements and job outlook.
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How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Georgia
- The average salary for permanent makeup artists in Georgia is $56,241 ($27.04/hour). This is higher than the national average of $55093 ($26.49/hour).
- There is a predicted 16% job increase between 2016–2026 for skincare specialists, including permanent makeup artists. This is higher than the expected national growth of 11%.
Do you really want to make a big difference in your clients' appearance and their daily routine? Go into permanent makeup artistry! There are many reasons that permanent makeup is growing so quickly in Georgia. In the Georgia heat, some women hate putting on makeup every day and having it sweat off.
As people age, their favorite features may start to droop or change; permanent makeup can change that. Of course, some people just love the convenience of never having to apply makeup.
State License Requirements
Georgia has more intensive licensing requirements than many other states. Currently, the state only allows doctors to offer tattoo services. To be able to offer permanent makeup services, you must also register with the Georgia Department of Public Health.
Education Details
Learning how to apply permanent makeup involves learning how to use micropigmentation and permanent tattooing. While micropigmentation involves depositing color beneath the skin, permanent makeup tattooing involves using tattoo tools to deposit color on the skin. Use our complete directory of permanent makeup programs in Georgia to request specific information from each school. By comparing several programs you can make the best decision for your career! This can be a serious procedure, so customer interaction is a major part of your education. You can learn how to collect a client's medical history and do an initial consultation. This helps you figure out if there's any reason that a client should not go through permanent makeup application and if they have realistic expectations for the procedure. You can also discover how to learn about a client's makeup preferences and habits. When you start the part of your program that teaches you how to apply permanent makeup, you may work with different types of needles and find out which needles are appropriate in different situations. Programs in permanent makeup in Georgia often go over follow-up care and post-application care.
License Renewal
Georgia takes a unique approach to permanent makeup and tattoo licensing. The state does not regulate this industry, but leaves it up to the individual counties to enact their own licensure laws. You can view this map to see which counties have an ordinance, and which ones don't. Each county will have their own license and renewal process. This is why it's a good idea to speak with Georgia permanent makeup artist schools to see how this field fits into your employment landscape. Regardless of your counties' regulations, a top-notch program can help you prepare for any state regulations and testing.
Georgia Permanent Makeup Careers
Average yearly salary for permanent makeup in Georgia
As more and more people discover how convenient permanent makeup is, the job outlook for those who can perform this delicate procedure may continue to grow. In Georgia, where the job market is booming for cosmetology professionals, skincare specialist jobs are expected to grow 16% between 2016 and 2026 (CareerOneStop, 2020). This growth include jobs in permanent makeup application. If you live in an area where the aging population is high, you may benefit from an even more positive job outlook. Salaries in Georgia can vary widely, so getting as much experience and education as possible may be worth your time. ZipRecruiter reports that permanent makeup artists in this state earn an average of $56,241 per year.
Once you begin your career as a permanent makeup artist, you may see all sorts of clients. However, don't assume that all of your time will be spent applying makeup and coming up with color schemes for clients! Rather, much of your workday may be spent counseling new clients and helping them decide whether or not permanent makeup is a good choice for them. Permanent makeup specialists often have to delve into a patient's medical history and skin care history to ensure that permanent makeup is an appropriate choice for their needs and background. Caroline Morgan, a successful permanent makeup artist, told the Gloucestershire Echo how important a good consultation is. When you start the process of micropigmentation, a steady hand and an eye for detail are two of the most important traits you can have. Many makeup artists rely on recommendations to get new customers, and doing an excellent job on your customers' makeup is one of the best ways to get a recommendation. Since applying permanent makeup is essentially tattooing someone's face, you may spend several hours with just one client. Depending on whether you're employed by a salon or self-employed, you may have to work some irregular hours to meet the needs of your clients. Once you see the satisfied looks on your clients' faces, all the hard work is worth it!
Contact the Georgia State Board of Permanent Makeup
- 2 Peachtree Street Northwest 15th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30303
- Website: Georgia Department of Public Health -->
- Call: 404-657-2700
Permanent makeup has found a place within the beauty industry in the state of Georgia. A number of salons are making sure to include the treatment in their services along with stylists who can execute it. Those looking to learn may be interested in the resources below.
Georgia State Board of Cosmetologists and Barbers
International Make-Up Association
Professional Beauty Association