Permanent Makeup Schools in North Dakota

Browse our directory of permanent makeup schools in North Dakota, or skip ahead to learn about the state's permanent makeup licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in North Dakota

North Dakota Permanent Makeup Artistry Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for permanent makeup artists in North Dakota is $61,840 ($29.73/hour). This is higher than the national average of $55,093 ($26.49/hour).
  • There is a predicted 11% job increase between 2016-2026 for skincare specialists, including permanent makeup artists nationally.

All beauty professions focus on making people feel better, look better, or both. But how many career paths allow you to have a permanent impact on a person's appearance and self-esteem?

As a permanent makeup artist, you can use your attention to detail and your knowledge of tattooing techniques to apply permanent makeup to people's facies and bodies.

State License Requirements

Before becoming a licensed permanent makeup artist, you must meet the standards of the North Dakota Division of Food and Lodging. To work as a permanent makeup artist, you must pass a test demonstrating your knowledge of safety and hygiene standards in North Dakota.

Education Details

As you begin your permanent makeup artist training, you may learn about these safety and hygiene standards. Minimizing the risk of infection is of the utmost importance, since you'll be using needles for multiple patients and procedures. After covering these topics, you may move on to the work you'll be doing every day as a permanent makeup artist. Instructors may cover the different types of needles you'll use, the different varieties of micropigmentation, and the procedures that are commonly requested of permanent makeup artists. This may include getting familiar with procedures used on different parts of the body and watching your instructor perform them. As you proceed through your education, you may spend more and more time getting hands-on experience.

License Renewal

If you want to become a permanent makeup artist or tattooist in North Dakota, you should read the rules and regulations outlined by the Department of Health. If you want to operate a permanent makeup or tattoo shop in this state, you will need to maintain an active license, which will cost $110 every year to renew. We recommend speaking with permanent makeup schools in your area to make sure you have the right skills and qualifications to provide quality work, and meet the standards the Department of Health expects from practitioners.

North Dakota Permanent Makeup Careers


Average yearly salary for permanent makeup in North Dakota

In North Dakota, permanent makeup artists and other skin care specialists can enjoy a strong job outlook! Between 2016 and 2026, CareerOneStop predicts an 11% increase in skin care specialist jobs. The job outlook may be even better for permanent makeup specialists, since this field is still becoming popular in many parts of North Dakota. Salaries for skin care specialists vary quite a bit in different parts of the state and different work settings. ZipRecruiter reports that the average salary for a permanent makeup artist in North Dakota is $61,840 per year. This is higher than the national average (ZipRecruiter, 2020).

There are many different ways you can use your skills as a permanent makeup artist. Since this field is still growing and there are salons that don't offer this service, graduates may choose to become self-employee or open their own permanent makeup shops. This often involves becoming licensed both as a business owner and as a permanent makeup artist. There are some salons that offer permanent makeup services, so you may choose to work in that setting. If you'd prefer to work with more medical cases, you may look into working for a dermatologist. Some people use their permanent makeup experience to break into the beauty industry as a whole. For example, Connie's Salon and Permanent Makeup is owned by a permanent makeup artist and staffed by other cosmetology specialists. One of the main benefits of choosing to work in this specialty is the chance you get to change lives. People may have features that have made them self-conscious their whole lives. With a few sessions of permanent makeup, they can finally look their best and feel confident stepping out the door each morning.

Contact the North Dakota State Board of Permanent Makeup

North Dakota Department of Health

Taking up the specialty of permanent makeup in North Dakota entails a good deal of thoroughly equipped to be valued beauty professionals in the state. Those that are interested in the field go to these institutions.

Professional Beauty Federation
International Make-Up Association

Permanent Make-Up
North Dakota

How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Your State

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