Permanent Makeup Schools in Montana

Browse our directory of permanent makeup schools in Montana, or skip ahead to learn about the state's permanent makeup licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Montana

Montana Permanent Makeup Artistry Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for permanent makeup artists in Montana is $58,906 ($28.32/hour). This is higher than the national average of $55,093 ($26.49/hour).
  • There is a predicted 11% job increase for skincare specialists, including permanent makeup artists between 2018-2028 nationally.

Tattooing is used for many types of self-expression. This process has gained acceptance over the years, to the point that almost everyone you meet seems to have a tattoo. However, tattooing can also be used for the permanent application of makeup!

By using tiny needles, you can deposit pigment on the skin and create the appearance of makeup. If you're interested in a career in this specialty, learn more about permanent makeup training in Montana.

State License Requirements

The Department of Public Health and Human Services in Montana regulates the field of permanent makeup application. You must complete their licensure process to begin working as a permanent makeup artist in this state. You will need training in Sanitation, Disease Prevention, and Hygiene.

Education Details

Training in this field is in-depth and it explores many aspects of permanent makeup application. First, you learn about the safety and health standards of this industry. This covers the sanitation and cleaning of equipment, proper usage of equipment to minimize infection risk, and maintaining a clean work area. Once you've covered safety, you can learn how to do permanent makeup. Your instructors may cover color theory, proper needle selection, and application techniques for different effects and parts of the face. Client preparation is another important part of your education, since you must get informed consent and complete a full consultation before working on any client. You may also watch or participate in permanent makeup application to develop your skills.

License Renewal

In Montana, permanent makeup artist must renew their license every year, no later than December 31st. The renewal fee is $135, and processed through the Department of Public Health and Human Services. Because Montana makeup artists adhere to strict requirements for licensure, choosing the right permanent makeup artist training program is crucial. Be sure to discuss what type of permanent makeup practice you want to work in, and what kinds of clients you want to work with.

Montana Permanent Makeup Careers


Average yearly salary for permanent makeup in Montana

There are many benefits to starting a career in a beauty specialty like permanent makeup. This field is just starting to pick up momentum in most parts of the United States, so getting started now may allow you to make a name for yourself in the industry. Between 2016 and 2026, CareerOneStop anticipates an 11% increase in jobs for permanent makeup artists. When you compare this job growth rate to other careers, it is much higher than average (CareerOneStop, 2020). Skin care specialists, including permanent makeup artists, may earn a competitive range of salaries in Montana. Per ZipRecruiter, the average salary for permanent makeup artists is $58,906 per year. It's important to invest in yourself, constantly hone your skills, and market aggressively to make the most of your earning potential.

After you complete your training, you can jump into life as a permanent makeup professional. There are several employment routes that you may decide to pursue as a permanent makeup artist. You may work in a dermatologist's office, providing permanent makeup services to those who suffer from skin disorders, burns, or other conditions. You may also work for a salon or spa, since these work settings provide the cleanliness needed for safe permanent makeup application. However, another route you may wish to consider is self-employment. Quite a few skilled, dedicated permanent makeup artists decide to open their own permanent makeup clinic and establish themselves as experts in their community. Though this may require longer hours and more work, it may pay off in many ways. Permanent makeup is a field in which you can change lives and have a huge impact on people's lives. Jenifer Broomberg, a self-professed perfectionist and permanent makeup artist, has used her skills both for cosmetic enhancement and for medical camouflage. You can use your specialized skills to help burn victims, those with skin conditions, and those who have watched their features change for other reasons. As long as you remember the importance of what you're doing and dedicate yourself to your clients every day, you may find great success in permanent makeup artistry.

Contact the Montana State Board of Permanent Makeup

Department of Public Health and Human Services

Montana is a fresh and new environment for beauty care professionals. Specialists looking to have a distinctive presence focus on treatments not widely available such as permanent makeup. Those intrigued about it as a skill refer to these resources.

Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists
National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences
Professional Beauty Federation

Permanent Make-Up

How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Your State

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