Cosmetology Teacher Training in Vermont

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How to Become a Cosmetology Teacher in Vermont

Vermont Cosmetology Teacher Training At a Glance
  • 3 years experience are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 2 years.
  • 24 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for teacher training in Vermont is $59,310.
  • There is a predicted 1.0% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

No matter what industry you are looking at, teachers are responsible for educating the next generation and ensuring that the industry has great professionals to help it grow. This is especially true in cosmetology, where hands-on skills are of the utmost importance.

If you have spent some time working as a cosmetology professional and you are ready to pass your skills on, contact the schools below to learn more about teacher training in Vermont.

State License Requirements

3 Years Experience

Required to earn a teacher training license

In Vermont, you can become a qualified cosmetology instructor with three years of experience at a Board approved salon. Of course, you'll need your cosmetology license from a state approved school as well.

Education Details

Since you must have a cosmetology license to begin teacher training in Vermont, you should already have a good grasp of core cosmetology skills and terms. As a result, your education focuses on how you can effectively teach these skills to students. Your instructors may cover communication techniques, how to give feedback, and how to physically demonstrate cosmetology procedures for students. As you proceed through your education, you should get experience working with students in different classrooms so that you can build on your teaching abilities.

License Renewal

2 Years

License renewal period

24 Hours

Continuing education required

In Vermont, you can become a qualified cosmetology instructor with three years of experience at a Board approved salon. Of course, you’ll need your cosmetology license from a state approved school as well. The renewal process for practitioners and instructors mirror each other: You must renew your license by November 30th of odd-numbered years. The fee for renewal is $130, and due at the time of your submission of application. Vermont does require instructors to complete 24 continuing education units every two years. These help keep you up with the latest trends and policies.

Vermont Teacher Training Careers


Average yearly salary for teacher training in Vermont

In Vermont, the field of post-secondary education is strong. As more and more people return to school to learn a trade and prepare for a new career, you may see the demand for cosmetology instructors increase. In fact, O*Net predicts a 4% increase in the vocational instructor jobs through 2022. The salary you earn in this field may depend on which type of beauty school you work for and how much experience you bring to the table. On average, cosmetology teachers in Vermont earn $36,800 per year (O*Net, 2014).

Through 2024, beauty school instructors in Vermont can expect job opportunities to grow at a rate of 4%, which is slightly slower than the average job growth rate for similar occupations. Most job openings will come from the need to replace retiring and transitioning beauty school instructors, with a significant portion of jobs coming from an increase in new beauty schools and technical institutions. The demand for beauty school instructors will remain steady as more students enroll in cosmetology school and other beauty-related programs.

Contact the Vermont State Board of Cosmetology

Office of Professional Regulation
Teacher Training

How to Become a Cosmetology Teacher in Your State

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