Cosmetology Teacher Training in Colorado
Browse our directory of cosmetology teacher schools in Colorado, or skip ahead to learn about the state's teacher licensing requirements and job outlook.
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How to Become a Cosmetology Teacher in Colorado
- Average salary for teacher training in Colorado is $60,770Â .
- There is a predicted 22.6% job increase between 2012 - 2022.
Next to your parents, your teachers are probably your greatest inspiration. In Colorado, students as young as 13 can be inspired by great cosmetology teachers, as the "My Life. My Career." project for middle schoolers proves. If you are a current professional in the world of beauty, you are probably here because you want to become a teacher, educating students about beauty fundamentals and latest techniques to succeed. The first step towards the front of the classroom is finding the right cosmetology teacher training in Colorado.
For years, we have worked tirelessly to connect students with the right beauty schools in all 50 states. If you are just browsing, no worries. We have the quick info most people want below— things like license requirements, salary outlook, and required courses. But if you are ready to see what your Colorado beauty school options are for teacher training, you can quickly find schools listed below. Or, return to the top of the page and use our search box to narrow your results. Good luck to you and your future students!
State License Requirements
If you’re considering a career as a cosmetology instructor, you have to meet specific requirements in Colorado. You must have a current cosmetology license in addition to at least two years of full-time cosmetology experience. Once you meet these requirements, you can apply for certification. You must maintain your teaching license and your cosmetology license.
Education Details
Colorado teacher training courses can help you develop effective classroom skills, which are needed for teaching all areas of cosmetology. If the idea of inspiring students appeals to you, then take a program that will teach you about the different types of learners and how to design coursework for all types of students. When you request information about programs in your area, ask about the learning outcomes associated with the courses they offer.
Colorado cosmetology instructor training courses:
License Renewal
Since you do not need to have your cosmetology instructor license in Colorado, you won’t have to worry about renewing one. But, you will need to be a licensed cosmetologist with 2+ years of experience before stepping to the head of the class. You will need to renew that license every 2 years in odd or even numbered years (depending on when you receiving it) by April 30th. There is a $32 fee for renewal and $47 fee for reinstatement. You can process your application through the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies.
Colorado Teacher Training Careers
Average yearly salary for teacher training in Colorado
Colorado beauty school instructors help prospective beauty salon specialists prepare for rewarding careers. They specialize in teaching a specific beauty category, including nails, hair, makeup, general health and more. Beauty school instructors will more than likely need years of experience in their particular category and possibly, a degree in education. The average annual salary for an instructor is $49,470 and there are currently 119,800 individuals employed in Colorado and across the country.
Contact the Colorado State Board of Cosmetology
- 1560 Broadway Suite 1350, Denver, CO 80202
- Website: Office of Barber and Cosmetology Licensure
- Email:
- Call: 303-894-7800
- Fax: 303-894-0364