Cosmetology Instructor

Do you want to train cosmetology and beauty school teachers? As you know, it takes more than strong cosmetology skills to be a great instructor. These FAQ’s will introduce you to teacher training programs, including what kinds of learning outcomes you can apply to your job. Take a quick look at what courses you may take in an instructor program, and how you can find and compare programs. No matter what kind of program you want to teach, this is where you should start to get a simple introduction.

Where would cosmetology be without instructors?

The future of cosmetology relies on skilled, passionate instructors who can pass on their skills and knowledge to a new generation of cosmetologists. Clients and students deserve the best! If you are ready to start a new adventure in the world of cosmetology, find out if you have what it takes to become a beauty teacher by contacting cosmetology teacher training programs in your state.

Why You Should Become a Cosmetology Instructor

As a cosmetology instructor, you may enjoy many exciting career benefits. You may have a new level of career fulfillment when you know that the work you do every day contributes to the learning experience of your students and gives your community access to trained, well-educated beauty professionals. Most beauty school programs run on a set schedule each semester, a fact that may allow you to work more predictable hours each week. If you remember your days as a cosmetology student, you may be excited about the prospect of helping your students work through difficulties and develop valuable career skills.

In general, the pay scale for cosmetology instructors is more stable than it is for cosmetologists. Rather than getting part of your income from tips, you may be paid an annual salary or get paid per class. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an average salary of $52,800 per year for vocational instructors (2016). Through the year 2024, job openings in this field may increase 4% (BLS, 2016).


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Do I Need a License to Teach Cosmetology?

While working as a cosmetologist, you may have shown a fellow stylist how to mimic a certain effect or master one of your techniques. However, teaching cosmetology students is an entirely different game, so most states to require a separate licensing process for cosmetology instructors. Generally, you need to have a specific amount of cosmetology experience, measured in years or actual work hours. You also need to complete a teacher training program that meets the licensing requirements of your state board of cosmetology and prepares you for the cosmetology state board test in teaching.

Skills Covered in Cosmetology Teacher Training

In a cosmetology instructor training program, you may explore a whole new set of skills. In addition to studying theory, you should spend a significant amount of time working with cosmetology classes and students to build your practical skills. Some of the topics you may learn about in cosmetology school include teaching methods, educational psychology, assessment of student performance, lesson design and planning, student learning styles, classroom management, and student motivation.

Are you ready to teach, support, and nurture the next generation of cosmetology professionals? Discover instructor training programs near you. Our list of accredited degree programs makes it easy to find and contact schools, so get started now!

About Cosmetology Instructor Training

Considering becoming a cosmetology instructor?

As the cosmetology industry continues to grow, so does the demand for cosmetology instructors to teach and train those who are pursuing careers in the beauty business. Cosmetology instruction is a career best suited for people who not only have interest in beauty care, but also in developing skills in others. Teaching beauty school is a fantastic way to impart your wisdom, knowledge and experience on aspiring young professionals.

Thinking about enrolling in instructor training?

If you are considering enrolling in teacher training, you are probably curious about how much the program costs, how long it will take to complete, what you will learn in the program, and more. Beauty Schools Directory has answered many of the most common questions about the education that helps you become a beauty school instructor, so you can decide whether taking the next step in your career is the right decision for you.

How do I become a cosmetology teacher?

Each state’s training and licensure requirements to be allowed to teach beauty school or a specific program are different. Some states require you just to have a minimum amount of real work experience, and then you can be eligible to teach, whereas others may require you to get post-secondary education at a traditional college in a teaching program. Most state boards, however, require you to have both a set number of years of work experience as a licensed professional, in combination with getting additional cosmetology instructor training hours, to be able to sit for special board exams to get licensed as an instructor. Some states don’t even have instructor licenses, and other states have theirs managed by the Dept. of Education instead of the Board of Cosmetology.

Beauty Schools Directory knows of at least 21 states that only require future teachers to have their cosmetology license, plus additional hours of cosmetology instructor training, to be able to get licensed as teachers – but no work experience. In those cases, the average required hours of training is 850, but it varies from state to state. For example, Alabama and Indiana require 1000 hours of instructor training on top of having a cosmetologist’s license, but no work experience. At least 17 states require some combination of both work experience and instructor training to become a teacher. For example, in New Hampshire you can become a teacher if you have 800 hours of training and no work experience, 500 hours of training and 1+ years of experience, or no additional training and 8+ years of experience. Still other states require you to have some junior instructor or student instructor experienced to get licensed.

Because these licensing requirements vary so widely from state to state, we highly recommend checking your state’s instructor license requirements on our list, and contacting your local board directly if you have any additional questions. In the meantime, don't hesitate to find cosmetology instructor training programs near you so you can start comparing your options. Click the "Find Schools" button below to get started.

How do I find, compare and contact cosmetology instructor training schools?

If you are considering taking your career to the next level, the first step is to find and compare cosmetology instructor schools in your area. Compare the program curriculum, cost of tuition, availability of financial aid, scheduling options and other criteria when choosing which school is right for you. As you will learn in your educator training, everyone has a different learning style and has different priorities when choosing the right school for them. To help make you make a confident, educated decision about which cosmetology teacher training is the best fit for your needs, we created this “How to Choose a Beauty School” guide. Though the number of schools that offer cosmetology instructor training is slimmer than a more basic program, we still advise you to compare and contrast as many schools as possible – 3 to 5 schools is ideal – before making your final selection. Cosmetology instructor programs are enrolling now! So find schools near you to get started.

Cosmetology Teacher Courses & Course Length

What do you learn in cosmetology teacher training?

Teacher training programs are designed to prepare students who are interested in teaching beauty and cosmetology. Most of the teachers you'll have in beauty school completed a teacher training program, in addition to their experience in the field. Beauty school teacher training equips potential instructors with all the skills, knowledge and resources necessary to become a successful educator.

Cosmetology teacher classes include practical training and theoretical training. Future beauty teachers will learn how to teach beauty school students using the issued textbooks, in-class lectures, and hands-on training in student salons.

Becoming a cosmetology teacher requires that the individual already be knowledgeable about:

  • Hair
  • Nails
  • Makeup
  • Skin care
  • And have additional experience working in their field

Some cosmetology teacher training classes may include:

  • Theory
  • Practical cosmetology
  • Record keeping
  • Lesson planning
  • Classroom management
  • Retention tips
  • Learning styles

Just make sure you learn from experienced professionals with a proven track record of inspiring cosmetology students!

What classes will I take to become a cosmetology teacher?

Whether you want to teach cosmetology, esthetics and skin care, nail technology or another specialty area of the beauty trade, almost every state requires you to already have a license for that particular field, and most states require you to have some kind of work experience. In addition to that background and experience in the field, the training and courses you can expect to take to become a cosmetology or beauty school instructor may include, but are not limited to:

  • Curriculum & Course Outline & Development
  • Lesson Planning
  • Teaching Techniques & Theory
  • Classroom Management & Leadership
  • Teaching Aids, Tools & Technology
  • Skill Observation & Practice
  • Student Motivation
  • Administering & Grading Examinations
  • State Laws & Regulations
  • Student Record-Keeping
  • Hands-On Junior/Student Instruction

Sometimes the training programs include refreshers of the actual beauty skills and theory you will be teaching in the beauty school classroom, however the training should be mostly focused on the teaching aspect. It is assumed that if you enter a training program to learn to become a cosmetology instructor, you already have the skills and techniques from your work experience to be able to effectively teach them in the classroom.

Cosmetology Teacher Schools Near Me

Teacher Training
Commercial Career
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