Cosmetology Schools Near Rochester, NY

You don't have to be a millionaire to live in all cities in New York state—take Rochester, for example. The cost of living is well below the U.S. average, yet the average yearly salary for cosmetologists—$34,060 ($16.38 per hour) as of May 2019—is above the national average. This salary average is just one reason you can't go wrong starting a career as a cosmetologist in Rochester. You should also have ample opportunities to find a job—the job growth projection for cosmetologists in New York state is 18% between 2016 and 2026, which is twice the projected national average.

Take a look at the cosmetology schools in Rochester listed below. They will all provide you with the 1,000 training hours you need to become a licensed cosmetologist in New York state.

Featured Schools Near You
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Paul Mitchell The School

Program: Cosmetology

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Aveda Institute

Program: Cosmetology

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Georgia Career Institute (GA)

Program: Cosmetology

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Esthetician Schools Near You

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340 Elmridge Center Drive
Rochester, NY 14626

(585) 225-4796

Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Continental School of Beauty - Rochester – Accredited

633 Jefferson Road
Rochester, NY 14623

Shear Ego International School of Hair Design – Accredited

525 Titus Avenue
Rochester, NY 14617

Visions School of Beauty

1765 North Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14621
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

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