Permanent Makeup Schools in Arkansas

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How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Arkansas

Arkansas Permanent Makeup Artistry Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for permanent makeup artists in Arkansas is $55,294 ($26.58/hour). This is higher than the national average of $55,093 ($26.49/hour).
  • There is a predicted 11% job increase for skincare specialists, including permanent makeup artists between 2018-2028 nationally.

The cosmetics industry continues to grow, and along with it the cost of cosmetics continues to increase. Rather than continue to spend money on the repeated purchase of cosmetic staples such as eyeliner and lip liner, and eyebrow pencils and powders, many individuals are looking for a more cost-effective solution to their recurrent makeup needs. In addition to the expense, the time required to carefully apply precision makeup each day can really add up, and eat into other activities that people would prefer to do. It is no wonder that a growing number of people are turning to permanent makeup as a safe and attractive alternative. If you are curious about this career path in beauty, contact the schools in your area to compare their benefits today! In addition to the cosmetic use of permanent makeup, there is an alternate use for it that is equally if not more important.

Permanent makeup can be used as a corrective, to mask disfigurations that are the effect of illness and surgery, as well as injury. Processes such as aereola restoration can make a big difference to an individual's self esteem and self confidence after surgery for illnesses of the breast, and can help in the appearance of conditions such as cleft lip. So a career as a permanent makeup artist can go in one of several directions. You can work in a salon or spa, using special permanent dyes to enhance the eyebrows, or line the lips or mouth. You can choose to work in a medical setting, helping individuals with disfiguring conditions to look and feel more normal.

State License Requirements

In Arkansas, individuals who practice the application of permanent makeup must be licensed by the Arkansas Department of Health. You will need to earn a certificate in cosmetology, which you can obtain by enrolling in a state accredited school of cosmetology or some community colleges. To be licensed as a cosmetologist, you will need to complete 1500 hours of coursework. Your curriculum will focus on the anatomy and physiology of skin, and you will learn about the techniques and the pigments used in applying permanent makeup. You will practice on mannequins as well as on live clients.

Education Details

Programs in permanent makeup, which is also known as tattooing, dermapigmentation, and micropigmentation, can be found in many schools of cosmetology. People from many different backgrounds enroll in these programs, and for many different reasons. Individuals who already have certificates in cosmetology may wish to enhance their skills by moving into this specialized area. Nurses and physicians may wish to learn it to enhance their ability to improve the cosmetic outcome of various procedures for their patients. Tattoo artists may wish to add this skill to their portfolio. While your particular background makes a difference in how long a permanent makeup program will take you to complete, most people are able to do so in a time period lasting between a few days and several months. Some people take on an apprenticeship after completing their coursework, working under the supervision and tutelage of an experienced professional who can "show you the ropes".

License Renewal

The Arkansas Department of Health regulates the tattoo, permanent makeup, and branding artists in this state. If you own your own shop, you will need to obtain an individual and shop license. Both types of licenses require an annual renewal. For individuals, the fee is $100. As the shop owner, it will cost you $150 to renew the shop license. Of course, before you can obtain your license in Arkansas, you will need to complete a 6-24 month training course, plus pass a written and practical exam.

Arkansas Permanent Makeup Careers


Average yearly salary for permanent makeup in Arkansas

In the state of Arkansas, permanent makeup artists earned an average of $55,294, according to ZipRecruiter, in 2020. Of course, the application of permanent makeup is a highly specialized skill, and its practitioners may be able to command a higher salary. Demand for individuals able to perform these specialized skills is growing, making this a good career choice for someone who enjoys the beauty industry and would like to provide a service that can really bolster how someone feels about themselves.

As a permanent makeup artist, most of your work will be one on one with clients, both giving consultations, and performing the application of the permanent makeup. Some types of applications, especially cosmetic applications, may take as little as one treatment session. Others, such as restorative work, may take more than one session. Scheduling flexibility is a hallmark of this field, although you will need to work around the convenience of your clients which will most likely mean working at least some evenings and weekends. Of course, you will be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and neatness of your work station, and preparing it for the next client in between appointments. At some point, you may wish to open up your own permanent makeup salon, perhaps employing other permanent makeup artists to assist you. That would mean taking on a number of business-related activities such as handling finances, ordering supplies, interviewing potential staff and managing current staff, etc. It is, however, an excellent way to grow your practice and your income.

Contact the Arkansas State Board of Permanent Makeup

Arkansas Department of Health

The makeup stylist profession in Arkansas enjoys a good deal of acclaim. Those going into it have an array of skills to study and master, with permanent makeup being a new field of choice. Many who want to learn gain guidance from these institutions.

Professional Beauty Association
National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences

Permanent Make-Up

How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Your State

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