Massage Therapy Schools in Wyoming

Browse our directory of massage therapy schools in Wyoming, or skip ahead to learn about the state's massage therapy licensing requirements and job outlook.

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Northern Wyoming Community College District

1 Whitney Way
Sheridan, WY 82801
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

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How to Become a Masseuse in Wyoming

Wyoming Massage Therapy Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for massage therapists in Wyoming is $42,320 ($20.34/hour). This is lower than the national average of $42,820 ($20.59/hour).
  • There is a predicted 15% job increase between 2016-2026 for massage therapists. This is lower than the expected national growth of 22%.

Is there anything more relaxing than a long massage? For many people, the answer is no. That is why the demand for massage therapists is so high in Wyoming and elsewhere.

A good massage therapist can relieve stress, reduce pain, and make clients feel pampered. To jump into this field and learn more about the opportunities it has, learn more about massage therapy programs in Wyoming by requesting information from the schools below.

State License Requirements

The state of Wyoming is currently figuring out the best way to regulate the massage therapy industry. That is why it is important to speak with schools in the area, so they can let you know the best approach to training. Right now, the legislator recommends that students complete at least a 500-hour training program.

Education Details

Practice makes perfect, and that is especially true in massage therapy. Though you may spend some time in the classroom learning theory, the vast majority of your educational hours should involve working with your hands. When you learn about anatomy, you may figure out how to massage various parts of the body to relax tight muscles. As you explore different massage techniques, you may practice them on other students, mannequins, and volunteers. An understanding of the mental component of massage therapy is also important. In your masseuse training in Wyoming, you may learn how to create a relaxing environment for clients, use music to create the right mood, and use different oils for aromatherapy.

License Renewal

Until they come up with a formal license and renewal process, or determine if students should take continuing education courses, you will have to lean on local massage schools to help you map your path to success.

Wyoming Massage Therapy Careers


Average yearly salary for massage therapy in Wyoming

As is the case with other cosmetology industries in Wyoming, the field of massage therapy is fairly stable and is expected to remain so for several years. Through the year 2026, CareerOneStop expects to see a 15% increase in massage therapy jobs in this state. The average salary for a Wyoming massage therapist is $42,320 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020).

When you graduate and start working as a massage therapist, you may decide to work for a spa or a salon. However, you may also have the chance to rent a space in one of these businesses to run your own massage business. This may allow you to become self-employed, control your own income, and eventually even move into your own building. Connecting with your clients is one of the best ways to build a client base that keeps your schedule full. This means understanding what clients need to relax and providing it during every appointment.

Contact the Wyoming State Board of Cosmetology

Board of Cosmetology
Massage Therapy

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