Cosmetology Schools Near South Bend / Elkhart

If you hope to work as a cosmetologist in Indiana, but aren't sure where to start, South Bend and Elkhart may be great places for you to check out. Whether you want to work in a salon or do special events, both cities have options for you. In fact, South Bend has 32 wedding venues within five miles of the city, and Elkhart has 15 within 10 miles.

As of 2019, cosmetologists in South Bend earned a mean annual salary of $26,640 ($12.81 per hour). Those in Elkhart made $24,670 ($11.86). The state expects the number of cosmetology jobs to grow by 10% between 2016 to 2026, which is slightly higher than the national expectation.

You must complete 1,500 hours of training and pass licensing exams to become a full-fledged cosmetologist in Indiana. The South Bend and Elkhart area schools below can all help you on your way to achieving these goals.

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Program: Cosmetology

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Program: Cosmetology

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Program: Cosmetology

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Cosmetology Schools Near You

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Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Expressions Beauty College

2105 Miami Street
South Bend, IN 46613

Knox Beauty College – Accredited

320 East Culver Road
Knox, IN 46534

Lil Lou’s Beauty and Barber College

3015 East Mishawaka Avenue
South Bend, IN 46615

Michiana Beauty College – Accredited

7321 Heritage Square Drive 160
Granger, IN 46530

Southwest Michigan Beauty Shool – Accredited

703 South Centerville Street
Sturgis, MI 49091

Twin City Beauty College - Saint Joseph – Accredited

2600 Lincoln Avenue
Saint Joseph, MI 49085

Vogue Beauty College - Elkhart

2307 Charlotte Avenue
Elkhart, IN 46517

Vogue Beauty College - Mishawaka

301 Lincoln Way West
Mishawaka, IN 46544
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

Cost of Cosmetology Schools in South Bend / Elkhart

In the South Bend / Elkhart area, the range of reported Cosmetology schools runs from $2,500 – $18,000, with an average of $8,350.

Find Other Cosmetology Schools in Indiana

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How to Become a Cosmetologist in Your State

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