Cosmetology Schools near Cincinnati, OH

Cincinnati, Ohio, could be the ideal place to begin your cosmetology career. With over 80 hair salons in the area, most of which also offer other services, you have a wealth of work locations to look into. There are also over 90 wedding venues within five miles of the city, which could lead to an exciting career in mobile event styling. The metro area had a median salary of $22,130 per year, or $10.64 per hour, for cosmetologists as of 2018. Additionally, the state as a whole is anticipating a growth in job openings of 12% between 2016 and 2026.

The Cincinnati cosmetology schools below fulfill Ohio's required 1,500 hours for cosmetology licensure. If you hope to work as a hairstylist, the required 300 hours could be covered as well—look into the individual programs to see if they offer this as a standalone program. These schools will also prepare you for your licensure exams and ensure you have all the skills you need to succeed in your new cosmetology career.

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8419 Colerain Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45239

(470) 857-6622

7285 Turfway Road
Florence, KY 41042

(859) 568-5311
Cosmetology, Teacher Training

Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Aveda Fredric’s Institute Cincinnati – Accredited

7664 Voice of America Centre Drive
West Chester, OH 45069

Beauty Artistry Academy – Accredited

792 Eastgate South Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45245

Butler Tech Hamilton Cosmetology

3605 Hamilton Middletown Road
Fairfield Township, OH 45011

D. Russel Lee Career Center – Accredited

3603 Hamilton Middletown Road
Hamilton, OH 45011

Destiny Beauty Academy – Accredited

11489 Princeton Pike
Springdale, OH 45246

Grant Career Center – Accredited

718 West Plane Street
Bethel, OH 45106

Great Oaks Career Campus - Diamond Oaks – Accredited

6375 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45239

Great Oaks Career Campus - Live Oaks – Accredited

5956 Buckwheat Road
Milford, OH 45150

Great Oaks Career Campus - Scarlet Oaks – Accredited

3254 East Kemper Road
Cincinnati, OH 45241

LaTouch Cosmetology Institute – Accredited

7617 Reading Road
Cincinnati, OH 45237

Moler Beauty Academy - Cincinnati – Accredited

6142 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45213

Moler Beauty Academy - Fairfield – Accredited

5951 South Boymel Drive
Fairfield, OH 45014

Northwest High School – Accredited

10761 Pippin Road
Cincinnati, OH 45240

Paul Mitchell The School Cincinnati – Accredited

11956 Lebanon Road
Cincinnati, OH 45241

Southern Hills Career and Technical Center – Accredited

9193 Hamer Road
Georgetown, OH 45121
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

Cost of Cosmetology Schools in Cincinnati

In the Cincinnati area, the range of reported Cosmetology schools runs from $1,200 – $19,260, with an average of $8,753.

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