Cosmetology Schools Near Flint / Saginaw / Bay City, MI

If you want to begin a cosmetology career in Michigan, look no further than Flint, Saginaw, or Bay City. With many wedding venues and beauty businesses in and near the cities, you may have a variety of cosmetology jobs choose from. There are also several community and professional performing arts centers in each area, so if you want to work or volunteer your skills in this area, you have options as well.

As of 2019, cosmetologists in Flint earned a mean salary of $26,290 per year ($12.64 per hour), and those in Saginaw made $29,740 ($14.30). Bay City doesn't publish specific numbers for cosmetologists, but their personal care and service workers overall earned a mean salary of $30,070 ($14.46). Michigan expects cosmetology jobs to grow by 12% between 2016 and 2026, which is 3% faster than the national expectation.

To earn your cosmetology license in Michigan, you must either complete 1,500 hours of training or two years of an apprenticeship, plus pass a written and a skills exam. If you opt for the training route, the schools below can all help you on your way.

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