1103 East Boxelder Road Suite O Gillette, WY 82718
Accredited School
You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.
Related Beauty Careers
Not sure this is the right fit for you? Learn more about other career options in the beauty industry. Related specializations include:
1,600 education hours are required to become licensed.
You must renew your license every 2 years.
0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
The average salary for cosmetologists in Wyoming is $30,900 ($14.85/hour). This is higher than the national average of $26,090 ($12.54/hour).
There is a predicted 1% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists. This is lower than the expected national growth of 9%.
You are looking for a career that makes the most of your creativity, your customer service skills, and your passion for the beauty industry. The answer: hair design. Hair design may be one of the most versatile specialties in cosmetology, simply because you can do so much with the abilities you gain in this type of training.
State License Requirements
1,600 Education Hours
Required to earn a hair design license
For people who are passionate about becoming professional hair designers in Wyoming, a cosmetology license is required to work legally. Plus, once you are through with your training, you can offer clients skincare, makeup and nail services. This can also increase your appeal to prospective salon owners who may hire you for a full range of skills.
Education Details
In general, hair design programs are fairly lengthy, so you should plan on devoting a lot of time to learning your trade. When you enroll in a hair design school in Wyoming, you may start with the basics. Hair cutting is at the core of this program, so by the time you graduate, you should be able to cut hair of almost any texture, length, and thickness. Your instructors should also spend a lot of time on chemical processing for hair. In this portion, you may learn how to mix and apply chemicals to achieve a desired effect. With all of these skills, practical experience is crucial, so you may spend a lot of time with mannequin heads and clients.
License Renewal
2 Years
License renewal period
0 Hours
Continuing education required
Once you obtain your license, you will need to renew it after the first year for $96. From there, you will just need to renew it every two years for the same cost.
Wyoming Hair Design Careers
Average yearly salary for hair design in Wyoming
Across the board, the cosmetology industry of Wyoming is strong and growing steadily. In the years between 2016 and 2026, O*Net anticipates a 1% jump in Wyoming cosmetology jobs. The salary you earn is dependent on many factors, but overall, the average salary for a Wyoming cosmetologist is $30,900 per year (O*Net, 2019).
Since hair design is such a diverse field, you can take your career in a number of directions once you graduate. If you specialize in one type of process or procedure, you may spend most of your days seeing clients for that procedure. Customers talk, and if you become well-known for something, you can expect word to spread. Hair designers most often work in salons, but you may also find job openings at local spas. You may be directly employed by a beauty employer, or you may choose to rent a salon chair, set your own rates, and work a schedule that you set for yourself.
Wyoming is starting to see more look towards hair care in terms of an amenable path for work. Hair design has also steadily had an impact on local aesthetics. As such, those looking to get started in hair design begin by availing themselves of these listed resources.