Hair Schools in Nebraska

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How to Become a Hair Designer in Nebraska

Nebraska Hair Design Careers At a Glance
  • 2,100 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 2 years.
  • 8 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • The average salary for cosmetologists in Nebraska is $24,220 ($11.64/hour). This is lower than the national average of $26,090 ($12.54/hour).
  • There is a predicted 8% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists. This is lower than the expected national growth of 9%.

What do people do when they want to change their self-esteem, their outlook on life, and how people relate to them? They change their hair.

Whether it's a new cut, a new style, or a new color, there are many ways to give new life to hair.

State License Requirements

2,100 Education Hours

Required to earn a hair design license

The Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services is responsible for the licensure of hair designers and other cosmetology professionals. Nebraska has extensive requirements for cosmetologists, which means that you can plan on getting a lot of high-quality training in the field of cosmetology. You must complete at least 2,100 hours of cosmetology training at an approved school to qualify for licensure.

Education Details

In the first part of your hair design training, you may learn about different types of hair styling. This is one of the most crucial aspects of your career, so learning it first gives you plenty of time to get a lot of practice. You may learn about pin curling, blow drying, hair wrapping, and up-dos, all of which you may do as a hair designer. The next stage of your hair design education may involve learning about chemical restructuring and hair coloring. Your instructors may teach you how various hair dying chemicals work and how to use them appropriately.

License Renewal

2 Years

License renewal period

8 Hours

Continuing education required

To be a licensed hair designer in Nebraska, you will need to meet the cosmetology requirements outlined by the state. These regulations include completing a 2,100-hour training program to obtain your license. Once you do, you will have to renew it every two years, with a December 31st deadline. The cost to renew your license is currently $118, processed by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. And just think, with additional skills in makeup and nails, you can qualify for more types of jobs, and sell your clients more awesome services!

Nebraska Hair Design Careers


Average yearly salary for hair design in Nebraska

As a hair designer in Nebraska, you may be able to enjoy a solid job outlook as you start your career. In the decade between 2016 and 2026, O*Net anticipates an 8% increase in cosmetologist jobs. You may earn a competitive salary as a Nebraska hair designer. Much depends on which type of salon you work in, how much experience you have, and how well you market your skills. Per O*Net, the average salary for a hair designer in Nebraska is $24,220 per year.

Becoming a hair designer gives you the opportunity to explore different career paths and work settings. Cosmetologists may be hired in small family-owned salons, mid-range chain salons, and high-end privately-owned salons. If you have a mind for business and you're willing to work hard, you may even be able to become a business owner and open your own salon. As a hair designer, you also have the chance to do a lot of good in your community. Juan Estrada, a successful cosmetologist, devotes much of his time to volunteering. He offers his cosmetology services for free to those in need or who don't have the luxury of getting regular hair cuts. He does this because, according to him, fixing hair doesn't feel like work. He's been in this field for over 20 years and continues to make volunteering a significant part of his career. No matter where you decide to work as a cosmetologist, you want to be flexible in your schedule and what you do. As you become more established in the cosmetology industry, you may develop your skills in a specialized area and spend most of your time in that area.

Contact the Nebraska State Board of Cosmetology

Department of Health and Human Services
Hair Design

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