How Much Is Esthetician School?
Esthetician school costs include tuition and fees. Tuition is how much your esthetician school instruction costs, while student fees are what you pay for additional program-related things provided by your school. In general, esthetician school tuition runs around $8,000 to $10,000, not including student fees and other costs. Depending on your school, fees could cover your student kit, extracurricular activities, and other relevant costs.
Before enrolling in esthetician school, you need to research esthetician programs, compare costs, and figure out your budget. Many esthetician schools have a cost calculator on their websites, so you can figure out more precisely what to expect for tuition, fees, and living experiences, all in one place. Financial aid options, such as scholarships and grants, can help bring down your out-of-pocket costs.
Esthetician School Tuition
There can be a wide range in how much esthetician school tuition runs, and the price depends on several factors. Here are some things that influence the cost of esthetician school:
Program Length: The length of the esthetician program affects the overall cost. Longer programs may cost more than shorter programs. However, most program lengths depend on your state's esthetician training requirements.
Type of School: Esthetician programs can be offered by a variety of institutions, including private beauty schools, community colleges, vocational schools, and even some high schools. Private beauty schools, especially brand-name schools, may be more expensive than the other options.
Location: Esthetician schools in major cities or areas with high costs of living tend to be more expensive than those in smaller towns or rural areas. However, it may be harder to find a school outside of highly populated areas, so you need to factor in travel costs if this applies to you.
To paint a picture of the costs at different types of esthetician schools across the United States, see the table below.
Esthetician School (Metro Area) | Program Tuition |
Bellus Academy (Chula Vista, CA) | $9,824 |
Elite Cosmetology School (Palm Desert, CA) | $9,063 |
Aveda Arts & Sciences Institute Seattle (Seattle, WA) | $11,500 |
Avalon Institute (Phoenix, AZ) | $8,850 |
Avenue Five Institute (Austin, TX) | $12,300 |
Blue Cliff College (Mobile, AL) | $16,400 |
Boca Beauty Academy (Boca Raton, FL) | $11,225 |
Celebrity School of Beauty (Miami, FL) | $4,045 |
American Vocational Institute (Great Falls, VA) | $10,350 |
Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics (Woburn, MA) | $11,750 |
New York School of Esthetics & Day Spa (White Plains, NY) | $8,475 |
Capri College (Cedar Rapids, IA) | $8,600 |
Crave Beauty Academy (Wichita, KS) | $10,500 |
Source: U.S. Department of Education's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS); school websites. Tuition data most recent available as of 2021 or 2022, depending on school.
How Much Does Esthetician School Cost Across the U.S.?
State | Tuition Range | Average Tuition |
Alabama | $10,150 - $14,800 | $12,475 |
Arizona | $4,996 - $15,295 | $11,187 |
Arkansas | $6,000 - $8,824 | $7,168 |
California | $2,675 - $14,512 | $8,966 |
Colorado | $2,795 - $12,150 | $8,168 |
Connecticut | $7,021 - $9,552 | $8,276 |
Delaware | $9,100 - $14,560 | $11,853 |
District of Columbia | $9,200 - $12,000 | $10,733 |
Florida | $654 - $14,620 | $5,923 |
Georgia | $4,890 - $17,350 | $13,177 |
Hawaii | $6,858 - $12,000 | $9,429 |
Idaho | $5,100 - $10,189 | $8,293 |
Illinois | $8,300 - $16,500 | $12,840 |
Indiana | $7,497 - $16,000 | $11,316 |
Iowa | $6,450 - $14,088 | $10,381 |
Kansas | $11,500 - $21,301 | $14,071 |
Kentucky | $7,800 - $13,600 | $11,014 |
Louisiana | $4,850 - $12,900 | $10,184 |
Maine | $9,600 - $11,950 | $10,775 |
Maryland | $8,795 - $12,635 | $10,633 |
Massachusetts | $6,045 - $13,820 | $10,417 |
Michigan | $3,315 - $13,500 | $8,551 |
Minnesota | $9,000 - $21,175 | $13,125 |
Mississippi | $4,175 - $12,502 | $8,392 |
Missouri | $4,394 - $18,668 | $12,007 |
Montana | $8,500 - $8,700 | $8,600 |
Nebraska | $9,500 - $9,500 | $9,500 |
Nevada | $9,000 - $16,100 | $11,458 |
New Hampshire | $11,196 - $16,794 | $13,995 |
New Jersey | $8,250 - $13,400 | $11,187 |
New Mexico | $8,500 - $11,800 | $9,897 |
New York | $1,010 - $17,500 | $9,390 |
North Carolina | $5,100 - $14,545 | $10,410 |
North Dakota | $7,600 - $11,500 | $10,200 |
Ohio | $6,800 - $16,170 | $12,039 |
Oklahoma | $1,320 - $12,520 | $6,127 |
Oregon | $1,700 - $17,634 | $8,771 |
Pennsylvania | $2,400 - $8,100 | $5,132 |
Rhode Island | $9,498 - $9,498 | $9,498 |
South Carolina | $5,150 - $9,500 | $7,764 |
South Dakota | $7,250 - $8,914 | $7,888 |
Tennessee | $7,575 - $14,495 | $9,819 |
Texas | $3,350 - $14,700 | $9,991 |
Utah | $6,500 - $16,990 | $11,499 |
Vermont | $6,600 - $9,600 | $8,100 |
Virginia | $5,500 - $14,175 | $9,861 |
Washington | $7,500 - $19,630 | $13,797 |
West Virginia | $5,800 - $9,400 | $7,363 |
Wisconsin | $6,798 - $11,700 | $8,976 |
Esthetician School Fees
Like tuition, esthetician school fees vary by school. They may also cover different costs. Because of this, you can't necessarily make an apples-to-apples comparison between schools. When looking at price tags, double-check what fees are included and what are not.
These fees can include:
Supplies and Materials: Esthetician students may need to purchase textbooks, skincare products, uniforms, and equipment for training. An increasing number of schools include iPads in their fees, and you may have to use theirs even if you have one already.
Licensing Exam Fees: Your school might include your licensing exams in your fees, though this isn't universal. You may need to factor this into your personal budget instead. Be sure to know if your school includes this cost, which varies by state.
Miscellaneous Fees: Your esthetician school might have fees for applications or enrollment or field trips, among other things. If your program's fees aren't clear, ask them!
Sample Beauty School Budget
Feeling overwhelmed? That's okay! We have created a budget guide to help you determine how much you can afford based on tuition, fees, and living costs.