Programs Offered

Barbering / Cosmetology / Esthetics / Massage Therapy

Recent Reviews

9/12/2024 via Google
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Sweetest staff every time! I’ve gone for my hair & a facial, both times were filled with getting to know me as the client and making the experience comfortable! The facial was so relaxing and left me with new skincare tips and glowing skin❤️

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8/7/2024 via Google
via Google

I’m currently an esthetician student here at Sylvain Melloul and my experience here has been nothing but GREAT! I’m learning so much from my awesome instructors and I can’t wait to take the knowledge I gained into this industry and have my own business one day:)

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8/6/2024 via Google
via Google

Absolutely love the esthetics program Ms. Brittany and Ms. Audrey they are Beyond Amazing. You really get hands on with you. Such a GREAT and POSITIVE VIBES with them and the program. Would definitely recommend anybody who has a passion for skin care to defiantly take the class.

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Images provided by Sylvain Melloul International Hair Academy

Benefits of Sylvain Melloul International Hair Academy

Evening classes available

Evening classes available

In-house financing available

In-house financing available

Scholarships offered

Financial aid offered for eligible students

In the School's Words

When you choose Sylvain Melloul International Hair Academy (SMIHA) for education in beauty and wellness, you are forging a path toward a career in an ever-expanding and exciting industry. Our mission is to develop and train beauty & wellness students to become professionals who are knowledgeable, and successful. Our unique, collaborative approach to education and values-based culture have created a community of passionate and inspired students and alumni.

Hands-On Learning

We believe in hands-on learning, collaborative culture and a shared sense of purpose- those are the values at the heart of everything we do. When you graduate from one of our programs, you already have real-world experience and confidence in your craft. Your potential for financial growth and personal fulfillment will be limitless!

Start a career you love in less than a year!

Our online application connects you with one of our admissions representatives to get you more information about our programs and enrollment process. Sylvain Melloul International Hair Academy is fully licensed by the state of Virginia, Certified to Operate by SCHEV, accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences and is recognized by the US Department of Education. Financial Aid is available to those who qualify.


Sylvain Melloul International Hair Academy offers the following programs:

Barbering / Cosmetology / Esthetics / Massage Therapy


Program Length 1,500 hours
Average Completion 11 months
Program Tuition $19,062


Program Length 600 hours
Average Completion 7 months
Program Tuition $9,085

Massage Therapy

Program Length 900 hours
Average Completion 7 months
Program Tuition $12,860


Program Length 1,100 hours
Average Completion 8 months
Program Tuition $15,150

Master Esthetics

Program Length 600 hours
Average Completion 7 months
Program Tuition $9,235

About This School

Accreditation or State Approval

Council on Occupational Education (COE)

One or more programs offered at this school is accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Accredited programs qualify graduates for applicable state licensing. In addition, accredited schools typically can offer more financial aid options, including federal financial aid. Learn more about accreditation and approval.


To apply to this school, there is a $25 application fee.

Financial Aid

61% of students received financial aid

On average, students received $5183 in financial aid.

Student Body

Gender Ratio

85% Female, 15% Male

Race / Ethnicity Ratio

49% White, 8% Hispanic / Latino, 41% African American, 1% Asian American, 0% American Indian, 0% Hawaiian / Pacific, 1% Two or More, 1% Unknown

146 students are enrolled in this school

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Data Integrity

This information about the school and its programs is reported based on publicly available sources. Though we make periodic updates to our database, program information can change quickly, so always verify directly with the school. In between our periodic updates, we make ad hoc updates when requested as our editorial resources allow.

Page last updated: 01/25/2025

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