Programs Offered

Cosmetology / Esthetics / Massage Therapy / Nail Technology

Recent Reviews

2/20/2025 via Google
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Florida Academy has an exceptional Barbering Program with excellent instructors! Luis D., who works on the clinic floor, is a fantastic teacher. With more than 20 years of experience as a master barber, he possesses great knowledge in the barbering industry, and ensures that every student is well-prepared for a successful career in the industry before they graduate. I was able to develop my skills to a professional level, even though I had never cut hair before coming to Florida Academy.

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2/5/2025 via Google
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Florida Academy has an awesome Barbering Program with amazing instructors! Luis D. the Barbering clinic floor instructor is an amazing teacher. He is very knowledgeable when it comes to the barber industry and will insures that all of the students are as prepared as possible for the barbering world prior to graduating..

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2/5/2025 via Google
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I am currently a student in the restricted barbering program and I I recently had some hard ship in life and missed some school. The president Chad and the head instructor Luis D have been so helpful in guiding me through the early parts of school as well as making up the hours I’ve missed. Understanding the hardship of life on top of full time school

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Florida Academy offers the following programs:

Cosmetology / Esthetics / Massage Therapy / Nail Technology


Program Length 600 hours
Average Completion 5 months
Program Tuition $8,900


Program Length 600 hours
Average Completion 9 months
Program Tuition $7,700

Massage Therapy

Program Length 600 hours
Average Completion 9 months
Program Tuition $9,350


Program Length 1,200 hours
Average Completion 10 months
Program Tuition $15,200

Facial Treatment

Program Length 300 hours
Average Completion 3 months
Program Tuition $4,550

About This School

Accreditation or State Approval

Council on Occupational Education (COE)

One or more programs offered at this school is accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Accredited programs qualify graduates for applicable state licensing. In addition, accredited schools typically can offer more financial aid options, including federal financial aid. Learn more about accreditation and approval.

Financial Aid

50% of students received financial aid

On average, students received $3136 in financial aid.

Student Body

Gender Ratio

60% Female, 40% Male

Race / Ethnicity Ratio

33% White, 39% Hispanic / Latino, 23% African American, 2% Asian American, 0% American Indian, 1% Hawaiian / Pacific, 4% Two or More, 0% Unknown

427 students are enrolled in this school

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Data Integrity

This information about the school and its programs is reported based on publicly available sources. Though we make periodic updates to our database, program information can change quickly, so always verify directly with the school. In between our periodic updates, we make ad hoc updates when requested as our editorial resources allow.

Page last updated: 01/24/2025

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