Programs Offered

Cosmetology / Esthetics

Recent Reviews

1/23/2025 via Google
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Lili was an amazing and knowledgeable instructor. She always took the time to explain everything thoroughly and more than once when asked. She was stern but well respected because she made you feel respected! I loved working next to her and I look forward to having more time being mentored by her soon!!

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1/23/2025 via Google
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My instructor Lily at DSI was very passionate about all skincare things. She was enthusiastic, motivating, and inspired me to learn more! She was always available for questions and provided great support to her students. I was always so excited to be at DSI with amazing people that had the same passion as I did. I made amazing friends and met great instructors!

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1/23/2025 via Google
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I loved my experience at DSI! I came out of school very prepared for my state board and had been up to date with all the newest things in the industry! Lili was a great instructor and was supportive, organized, and wanted the best for all of us! If I could go back and attend DSI again, I would in a heartbeat!

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Dallas Skin Institute - Dallas offers the following programs:

Cosmetology / Esthetics


Program Length 1,000 hours
Average Completion N/A
Program Tuition N/A


Program Length 750 hours
Average Completion N/A
Program Tuition N/A

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Accreditation or State Approval

One or more programs at this school is approved by the relevant state boards or agencies. State-approved programs qualify graduates for applicable state licensing. Learn more about accreditation and approval.

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This information about the school and its programs is reported based on publicly available sources. Though we make periodic updates to our database, program information can change quickly, so always verify directly with the school. In between our periodic updates, we make ad hoc updates when requested as our editorial resources allow.

Page last updated: 01/24/2025

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